The Idaho 2024 general election is on November 5 to elect candidates for county offices, Idaho Legislature, U.S. Representative and President, plus decide several ballot measures.
NOVEMBER 6: ELECTION RESULTS. Scroll down this page to see winners for each race and ballot measure indicated with bold marks. Click these links to see final vote counts for county and state:
• See local vote counts at Bonner County Election Results»
• See all statewide Idaho results at VoteIdaho.gov»
The Bonner County Elections Office provides election information at its online Elections Hub; staff can answer questions weekdays 8 a.m.-5 p.m., in person at 1500 Highway 2 in Sandpoint, or by phone at 208-255-3631.
General Election Calendar
Here are significant upcoming dates for the 2024 general election.
- Oct. 11: Last day to preregister to vote in the general election. Any who miss preregistration may still register on Election Day at their polling place.
- Oct. 21: Early voting for the primary election begins at the Elections Office in the county building, 1500 Highway 2 in Sandpoint.
- Nov. 1: Last day for early voting prior to Election Day.
- Nov. 5: Election Day. Polls open 8 a.m.-8 p.m. If you are not registered to vote you may do so at your polling place with photo ID and proof of residence; details at VoteIdaho.gov. Absentee ballots must be received by the county clerk by 8 p.m.
Click for the Idaho Secretary of State's full 2024 election calendar.
Sample ballot and individual voter information. Ballots between different voting districts vary. The Vote Idaho website provides a tool for voters to see a sample of their ballot, as well confirm their personal registration details, see a map of their polling place, or request an absentee ballot.
• Click for Vote Idaho Voter Information Look-up.
Ballot measures
Proposition 1, Open Primaries Initiative
The Idaho Secretary of State's Office on July 10 certified that the Open Primaries Initiative collected sufficient signatures to be placed on the Nov. 5 ballot as Proposition 1.
If approved by voters, Proposition 1 would end closed party primaries in Idaho and replace them with a single top-four primary election that is open to all candidates and all voters, regardless of party affiliation. The top four candidates who receive the most votes would advance to the general election, regardless of party affiliation. It would also replace Idaho's general election with ranked-choice voting, also called an instant runoff, in which voters pick their favorite candidate and then have the option of ranking the remaining candidates in order of preference – indicating second, third and fourth choices. If no candidate receives a majority of the votes - that is, 50% plus 1 of the vote total – the candidate with the fewest votes would be eliminated and the votes for that candidate would instead go to the second choice candidates that voters marked on their ballots. The process continues until one candidate achieves the majority of votes cast.
• Click to read more at VoteIdaho.gov.
• Click to hear pro/con debate aired Oct. 30 on 88.5 KRFY Morning Show, with Jennifer McKnight opposed and Christine Moon in favor. Click to hear.
Idaho Constitutional Amendment
This proposed amendment to the Idaho Constitution would add language to expressly prohibit non citizens from voting in Idaho elections. The question on the ballot will read: "Shall Section 2, Article VI of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended to provide that individuals who are not citizens of the United States may not be qualified electors in any election held within the state of Idaho?"
• Click to read more in the Idaho Capital Sun June 21 story.
Sandpoint 1% Local Option Sales Tax
The City of Sandpoint is requesting voters to approve a 1% local option tax on purchases made within the city limits with all funds raised used for city street and infrastructure improvements. Only voters residing within the Sandpoint city limits will vote, and the measure requires approval by 60% of voters. If approved, the tax will run for a period of 25 years, from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2049.
• Click to read sample ballot question.
• Click to read the Sept. 11 Sandpoint Reader story.
Ponderay 1% Local Option Sales Tax
The City of Ponderay is requesting voters to approve a 1% local option tax on purchases made within the city limits. It would renew the local option tax approved in 2019, which sunsets in 2025. Funds would be used for lakeshore access, construction at the Field of Dreams, and street and stormwater projects. Only voters residing within the Ponderay city limits will vote, and the measure requires approval by 60% of voters. The tax will be on all sales with the exception of hotels/motels and sales that are $1000 or more, and will run for a period of 10 years.
• Click to read sample ballot question.
Bonner County offices
Candidate questionnaires and forums for all contested races:
• Click to read Sandpoint Reader candidate questionnaires.
• Click for 88.5 KRFY recording of Oct. 2, 2024 candidates forum.
• Click for 88.5 KRFY recording of Oct. 15, 2024 candidates forum.
County Commissioner District 1
Two-year term. Seat currently held by Steve Bradshaw, who is retiring.
Hear Oct. 16 KRFY interview»
• Brian Domke, R - Website | Facebook | *WINNER*
• Steve Johnson, D - Website
County Commissioner District 3
Four-year term. Seat formerly held by Luke Omodt, who lost in primary.
Hear Oct. 23 KRFY interview»
• Glenn Lefebvre, I - Website | Facebook
• Ron Korn, R (incumbent, appointed) - Website | Facebook | *WINNER*
Bonner County Assessor
Seat currently held by Dennis Engelhardt, appointed to seat in 2023.
• Dennis Engelhardt, R (incumbent) - Website | *WINNER*
Bonner County Sheriff
Seat currently held by Daryl Wheeler.
• Daryl Wheeler, R - Announcement (Reader) | *WINNER*
Bonner County Prosecuting Attorney
Seat currently held by Louis Marshall.
• Louis Marshall, R - Announcement (Bee) | *WINNER*
Idaho Legislature races
Bonner County includes parts of two legislative districts. Most of Bonner County, plus all of Boundary County, falls in District 1. Residents of the south county near Blanchard are in the District 2 and vote for District 2 candidates, not included here.
Legislative District 1
Idaho Senate
Hear Sept. 25 KRFY interview».
• Dan Rose, I - Website | Facebook
• Jim Woodward, R - Website | Facebook | IG | *WINNER*
Idaho Representative Seat A
Hear Oct. 9 KRFY interview»
• Karen Matthee, D - Website | Facebook | IG
• Mark Sauter, R (incumbent) - Website | *WINNER*
Idaho Representative Seat B
Seat currently held by Sage Dixon, who is retiring.
Hear Oct. 2 KRFY interview»
• Kathryn Larson, D - Website | Facebook | IG
• Cornel Rasor, R - Website | Facebook | *WINNER*
Federal offices
United States Representative, District 1
Idaho's congressional District 1 encompasses all of Bonner County and northern Idaho, stretching south to the state border with Nevada.
• Russ Fulcher, R (incumbent) | Website - Facebook | *WINNER*
• Brendan J. Gomez, Constitution
• Matt Loesby, Libertarian - Website | Facebook
• Kaylee Peterson, D - Website | Facebook
United States President
The following candidates for President will be on the ballot.
• Kamala Harris, D - Website | Facebook
• Donald Trump, R - Website | Facebook | *WINNER*
• Jill Stein, Independent
• Randall Terry, Independent
• Shiva Ayyadurai, Independent
• Claudia De la Cruz, Independent
• Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Independent
• Joel Skousen, Constitution
• Chase Oliver, Libertarian
Idaho Voter Eligibility Requirements
To vote in Idaho you must be at least 18 years old on Election Day, a U.S. citizen, a resident of the county and/or city in which you vote for at least 30 days, and registered to vote. You must show an acceptable form of picture ID at the polls. If you miss the voter registration deadline, you may register to vote at your polling place on Election Day with proof of residence and a photo ID. Get details on registration and acceptable ID - and even register online - at VoteIdaho.gov.
Bonner County Voter Registration & Polling Places
Other Voter Information
- North Idaho Voter Services. This 501(c)(4) organization formed in 2019 to seek "the election of qualified candidates through voter participation and trustworthy information" for District 1. Information on races, candidates and voting at NorthIdahoVoterServices.org.
- Project Vote Smart. See biographies, voting records, campaign finances and more about candidates for state and national office at VoteSmart.org.
- Ballotpedia. See comprehensive information for voters on federal and state races in Idaho at the Ballotpedia Idaho page.
- What are the facts? To verify statements by candidates or others, two useful nonpartisan fact-checking websites are PolitiFact.com and FactCheck.org.
- Follow the money, national. Use tools to see how much candidates for federal office are collecting and who is donating at OpenSecrets.org or go directly to the Sandpoint page to see local contributors and recipients.
- Follow the money, state and local. The Idaho Secretary of State provides tools to see donations and expenditures by candidates at its Hello to Sunshine tools.
Local, State and National Political Party Links
Republican party websites
- Bonner County Republican Central Committee
- Bonner County Republican Women
- Idaho Republican Party
- Republican National Committee
Democratic party websites
- Bonner County Democrats
- Idaho Democratic Party
- Democratic National Committee
Constitution Party websites
- Constitution Party of Idaho website
- Constitution Party of the United States
Green Party websites
- Idaho Green Party website
- Green Party of the United States
Libertarian party websites
- Libertarian Party of Idaho
- Libertarian National Committee
Contact local elected officials
- Idaho Legislators. Click to find contact information for our District 1 and District 2 legislators for Bonner-Boundary counties, on the Idaho Legislature's Who's My Legislator page.
- Lake Pend Oreille School District. Contact school board at LPOSD.org.
- Bonner County. Contact county officials on the Bonner County website; browse menu for Commissioners, County Clerk, Treasurer and others.
- City of Sandpoint. Mayor, council on City of Sandpoint website.
- City of Ponderay. Mayor, council on City of Ponderay website.
- City of Kootenai. Mayor, council on City of Kootenai website.
- City of Dover. Mayor, council on City of Dover website.
- City of Hope. Contact through City of Hope Facebook.
- City of East Hope. Mayor, council on City of East Hope website.
- City of Clark Fork. Mayor, council on City of Clark Fork website.
- City of Priest River. Mayor, council on City of Priest River site.
- East Bonner County Library. Library board at EBonnerLibrary.org.
- West Bonner County School District. Contact school board at SD83.org.
Idaho Primary Elections 2024
The Idaho 2024 primary election was on May 21 to nominate political party candidates for county offices, Idaho Legislature and U.S. Representative. Primaries for the office of president were held by caucus with the statewide Republican caucus held on March 2 and the Democratic caucus on May 23.
Election Results
Winners for each race are noted below. The Bonner County Canvass Report provides final election results for all races, including voting by precinct. Click for Bonner County Canvass Report.
The Bonner County Elections Office provides primary election information at its online Elections Hub; staff can answer questions weekdays 8 a.m.-5 p.m., in person at 1500 Highway 2 in Sandpoint, or by phone at 208-255-3631.
Primary Election Calendar
Here are significant upcoming dates for the 2024 primary election.
- May 6: Early voting for the primary election begins at the Elections Office in the county building, 1500 Highway 2 in Sandpoint, through May 17.
- May 10: Deadline to request absentee ballot application, which may be requested online at
- May 17: Last day for early voting prior to Election Day.
- May 21: Primary Election Day. Polls open 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Absentee ballots must be received by the county clerk by 8 p.m.
- May 23: Idaho Democratic Presidential Caucus. County caucuses will take place from 5-8 p.m., at three locations in Bonner County; see details under Federal office races, below.
- November 5: General Election Day. Primary election winners and independent candidates advance to the final ballot. Polls open 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Click for the Idaho Secretary of State's full 2024 election calendar.
Sample ballots
Voting in the primary election is by party affiliation. If you are not yet registered to vote, you may register during early voting or on Election Day at your polling place. If you are not registered or are registered as unaffiliated, you may declare party affiliation at your polling place when voting; however, if you are already affiliated, the deadline to change party affiliation is past. Anyone may vote the Democrat, Constitution and Libertarian ballots regardless of affiliation, but only those registered as Republican may vote the Republican ballot. Ballots may also vary according to the precinct in which you live, as some precincts have additional ballot measures to vote on. See what will be on your ballot:
• Sample ballots by precinct
Candidates below will be on their party's ballot. Note, Independent candidates are unaffiliated and do not stand for election in the primary; they will be only on the Nov. 5 general election ballot.
Bonner County offices
County races forum, questionnaires & interviews
• Sandpoint Reader questionnaire, commissioner races
• Sandpoint Reader questionnaires, sheriff race
• 88.5 KRFY recordings of candidate interviews
• 88.5 KRFY recording of April 29 candidate forum
County Commissioner District 1
Two-year term. Seat currently held by Steve Bradshaw, who has filed for election for sheriff.
• James Burroughs, R | Announcement (Bee)
• Brian Domke, R - Website | Facebook *WINNER*
• Brian Riley, R - Website | Facebook
• Meghan Yeats, D
County Commissioner District 3
Four-year term. Seat currently held by Luke Omodt.
• Dimitry Borisov, R - Website | X
• Glenn Lefebvre, I
• Ron Korn, R - Website | Facebook *WINNER*
• Luke Omodt, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook
Bonner County Assessor
Seat currently held by Dennis Engelhardt, appointed to seat in 2023.
• Dennis Engelhardt, R (incumbent) - Announcement
Bonner County Sheriff
Seat currently held by Daryl Wheeler.
• Steven Bradshaw, R - Announcement (Bee)
• Daryl Wheeler, R - Announcement (Reader) *WINNER*
Bonner County Prosecuting Attorney
Seat currently held by Louis Marshall.
• Louis Marshall, R - Announcement (Bee)
Idaho Legislature
Bonner County includes parts of two legislative districts. Most of Bonner County, plus all of Boundary County, falls in District 1. Residents of the south county near Blanchard are in the District 2 and vote for District 2 candidates, not included here.
Legislative races forum, questionnaires & interviews
• Sandpoint Reader questionnaire, House & Senate races
• 88.5 KRFY recordings of candidate interviews
• 88.5 KRFY recording of April 30 candidate forum
Legislative District 1
Idaho Senate
• Scott Herndon, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook | X
• Steve Johnson, I
• Dan Rose, I
• Jim Woodward, R - Website | Facebook | IG *WINNER*
Idaho Representative Seat A
• Karen Matthee, D - Website | Facebook | IG
• Spencer Hutchings, R - Website | Facebook
• Jane Sauter, R - Website | Facebook
• Mark Sauter, R (incumbent) - Website *WINNER*
Idaho Representative Seat B
Seat currently held by Sage Dixon, who is not running for re-election.
• Kathryn Larson, D - Website | Facebook | IG *WINNER*
• Chuck Lowman, R - Website
• Cornel Rasor, R - Website | Facebook *WINNER*
• Bob Vickaryous, D
Federal offices
United States Representative, District 1
Idaho's congressional District 1 encompasses all of Bonner County and northern Idaho, stretching south to the state border with Nevada.
• Russ Fulcher, R (incumbent) | Website - Facebook
• Brendan J. Gomez, Constitution
• Mat Loesby, Libertarian - Website | Facebook
• Kaylee Peterson, D - Website | Facebook
United States President
Political parties in Idaho select nominees by caucus.
The statewide Republican caucus was held March 2. Donald Trump received 33,603 for 84.9% of votes cast in the caucus and won all 32 Idaho delegates. Nikki Haley received 5,221 votes for 13.2% of the vote and Ron DeSantis 534 votes, for 1.3%. Vivek Ramaswamy, Chris Christie and Ryan Binkley received less that 1% of the vote.
The Democratic presidential caucus was held May 23 from 5-8 p.m. at three caucus sites in Bonner County: First Lutheran Church in Sandpoint, Tyee Collective in Priest River and Hope Memorial Community Center in Hope. There were six declared Democratic presidential candidates. Incumbent Joe Biden won with 2,297 votes, or 95%. Vote tallies for the other candidates: Dean Phillips, 14; Jason Palmer, 5; Marianne Williamson, 79; David Olscamp, 14; and Armando Perez-Serrato, 3.
Idaho City and School Elections 2023
The Idaho November 7 elections for cities and special districts includes, in Bonner County, city council and mayoral seats with terms up for election, as well as seats on the Lake Pend Oreille School District and West Bonner County School District.
The Bonner County Elections Office provides election information at its online Elections Hub; staff can answer questions weekdays 8 a.m.-5 p.m., in person at 1500 Highway 2 in Sandpoint, or by phone at 208-255-3631.
Election Calendar for November 7 Elections
Candidates or organizations with election events may submit them for inclusion on this calendar. Click to email.
- Oct. 13: Deadline to preregister to vote. Voters who miss the pre-registration deadline may register on Election Day at their polling place.
- Oct. 27: Absentee ballot application deadline. Applications to receive a ballot to vote absentee must be received by the county clerk by 5 p.m.
- Oct. 30: Candidates forum. Candidates in contested city and school district races will speak and answer questions at the Sandpoint Library, 1407 Cedar St., beginning at 5:30 p.m. Hosted by the Bonner County Daily Bee; everyone invited.
- Oct. 23-Nov. 3: In-person early voting. Early voting available at the Bonner County Elections Office, 1500 Highway 2 in Sandpoint, from through Friday, Nov. 3, 2023. Early voting hours are Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Nov. 7: Absentee ballots must be received by the county clerk by 8 p.m.
- Nov. 7: Election Day. All polling places are open 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Click for the Idaho Secretary of State's full 2023 election calendar.
Following is information on upcoming races for the November 7 election.
City of Sandpoint
Voters who live within the Sandpoint city limits will vote for three city council seats plus the office of mayor. Up for election are the seats held by Deb Ruehle, Andy Groat and Kate McAlister, plus the mayor's seat held by Shelby Rognstad.
Links below include interviews that have aired on 88.5 KRFY Community Radio and candidate questionnaires published in the Sandpoint Reader. Candidates may submit web or social media links by email.
Candidates Forum. Held Oct. 16 at Community Hall for LPOSD and city races. City candidates begin speaking at 28:30 minutes. Click to listen.
Lake Pend Oreille School District
Only residents within the school district boundaries who live in zones with trustee seats up for election will vote. There are two zones with seats up for election, those held by Geraldine Lewis in Zone 4 (Sagle and some adjacent areas) and Purley Decker in Zone 1 (encompassing Northside, Hope and Clark Fork). In Zone 1, a candidate that had filed for trustee, Rebecca Holland, withdrew her name on Sept 22 and will not be on the ballot. Click to view map of zones.
Candidates may submit web or social media links by email.
Candidates Forum. Held Oct. 16 at Community Hall for LPOSD Zone 1 and city races. Click to listen
West Bonner County School District
Only residents within the school district boundaries who live in zones with trustee seats up for election will vote. There are three zones with seats up for election.
Candidates may submit web or social media links by email.
Click for candidate profiles from the Sandpoint Reader.
Zone 1:
Alan Galloway
Margaret Hall (incumbent)
Zone 3:
Elizabeth Glazier
Troy Reinbold (incumbent)
Zone 5:
Carlyn Barton (incumbent)
Kathy Nash
City of Clark Fork
Voters who live within the Clark Fork city limits will vote for two city council seats. Up for election are the seats held by Sharon Banning and Tanya Becker.
Candidates may submit web or social media links by email.
Sharon Banning (incumbent)
Tanya Becker (incumbent, appointed)
Tel Thompson
City of Dover
Voters who live within the Dover city limits will vote for two city council seats, those held by Dan Parkin and Marty Hoffman.
Candidates may submit web or social media links by email.
Keith Congleton
Steven Haynes
Dan Parkin (incumbent)
City of East Hope
Voters who live within the East Hope city limits will vote for the mayor's seat held by Vernon Fleisher and two city council seats held by Debbie Field and Don Wells.
Candidates may submit web or social media links by email.
Mayor: Debbie Field (unopposed)
Pam Brockus
David Rost
Don Wells (incumbent)
Scott Wieman
City of Ponderay
Up for election are mayor, held by Steve Geiger, and council seats held by Brad Mitton and Brenda Thompson. Only those three incumbents have filed, so there will be no voting in Ponderay.
Other special district elections
For the Nov. 7, 2023 date in Bonner County a total of 27 different taxing districts may be conducting elections, if there are open seats with contested races. That includes nine incorporated cities, two school districts and 16 special taxing districts which serve purposes ranging from fire protection to cemetery maintenance to recreation. Click below to see the list from the Bonner County Election Office of all districts that are on the election calendar.
Note: The document includes districts that had elections in May 2023, so scroll down to the districts listed with Nov. 7 election dates.
How and where to vote for Nov. 7 elections
You must be registered to vote; the deadline to preregister for the Nov. 7 election was Oct. 13. However, you may register to vote at your polling place on Election Day with identification and proof of residency. From Oct. 23-Nov. 3, you may vote early in-person at the Bonner County Elections office1500 Highway 2 in Sandpoint, and register at that time. On Election Day, vote at the polling place for the precinct in which you live. Click for Bonner County's list of polling places addresses or the polling places map.
A number of helpful tools are provided by the Idaho Secretary of State:
WBCSD recall election: August 29, 2023
A special election for recall in the West Bonner County School District was held Tuesday, Aug. 29. By wide margins, voters recalled two members of the WBCSD board of trustees, chair Keith Rutledge of Zone 4 and co-chair Susan Brown, of Zone 2. Rutledge was recalled by a vote of 762 in favor of recall with 454 against recall, for a margin of 62.66% to 37.34%. Brown was recalled with 624 voting for, 322 against, for a margin of 65.96 in favor of recall and 34.04% opposed. Voter turnout was 63%, an unprecedented level in Idaho for an August election, according to the Secretary of State's office. See official election results at the Bonner County Elections Office's online Elections Hub.
On Friday, Sept. 1, following the election but prior to its certification by the Bonner County commissioners that will make the recall official, Rutledge attempted to call a special board meeting. The agenda included a proposal to dissolve the current board and elect a new chairman plus other items. However, a restraining order issued that afternoon prohibited the school district from making any changes to the school board or authority granted to Superintendent Branden Durst until the recall results are made official on Sept. 7.
Idaho District Elections :: May 16, 2023
The Idaho May 16 election for various voting districts with open seats includes, in Bonner County, contested races for the board of directors of the East Bonner County Library District and the Pend Oreille Hospital District among others. The West Bonner County School District is also asking voters to approve a supplemental levy.
The Bonner County Elections Office provides election information at its online Elections Hub; staff can answer questions weekdays 8 a.m.-5 p.m., in person at 1500 Highway 2 in Sandpoint, or by phone at 208-255-3631.
Election Calendar for May 16 Elections
Candidates or organizations with election events may submit them for inclusion on this calendar. Click to email.
- April 21: Deadline to preregister to vote. Voter registrations for the May 16 elections must be received at the Bonner County Elections Office. Deadline is 5 p.m. for paper applications to be received, or midnight for online applications made at VoteIdaho.gov. Voters may also register on Election Day at their polling place; see details below.
- May 1-12: Early Voting. Early voting will be available at the Bonner County Elections Office from Monday, May 1, through Friday, May 12, 2023. Early voting hours are Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- May 16: Absentee ballots must be received by the county clerk by 8 p.m.
- May 16: Election Day. Polling places open 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Click for the Idaho Secretary of State's complete 2023 election calendar.
How and where to vote
You must be registered to vote; the deadline to preregister for the May 16 election is April 21. However, you may register to vote at your polling place on Election Day with identification and proof of residency. From May 1-12, you may vote early in-person at the Bonner County Elections office and register at that time. On Election Day, vote at the polling place for the precinct in which you live. Click for Bonner County's list of polling places addresses or the polling places map.
A number of helpful tools are provided by the Idaho Secretary of State:
Following is information on contested races in respective districts for the May 16 election.
East Bonner County Library
Voters who live within the East Bonner County Library District will vote for one seat up for election on the library board of directors.
Pend Oreille Hospital District
The hospital district supports hospital facilities within the district, which includes the city of Sandpoint and the eastern approximately two-thirds of Bonner County. Voters who live within the Pend Oreille Hospital District will vote for four seats up for election on the library board of directors.
Cynthia Busé
Barton D. Casey (incumbent)
Timothy A. Cochran (incumbent)
James K. Frank (incumbent)
Dwayne E. Sheffler
See more about the hospital district on the POHD website.
West Bonner County School District
The West Bonner school district takes in approximately one third of the county, including Priest River and Priest Lake. Voters who live within this district will vote for a proposed supplemental levy of $4.7 million per year for two years, to replace its current expiring levy.
Numerous other taxing districts may have elections, where seats are contested, including water and sewer districts, recreation districts, library districts and others. The Bonner County Elections Office provides a list of taxing and voting districts in the county.
Idaho General Election :: November 8, 2022
The 2022 Idaho general election will be held Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022, with contested races for governor and lieutenant governor, secretary of state, treasurer, controller, attorney general and superintendent of public instruction. Two federal offices, for U.S. senator and First District representative, are also contested. There is also a proposed amendment to the Idaho Constitution.
There is only one contested race among local offices up for election, for Idaho Legislative District 1 Senate, in which Republican Scott Herndon is opposed by write-in Independent Steve Johnson. For voters living within Sandpoint city limits, there is also a ballot measure for the city tourist lodging tax.
The Bonner County Elections Office provides election information at its online Elections Hub; staff can answer questions weekdays 8 a.m.-5 p.m., in person at 1500 Highway 2 in Sandpoint, or by phone at 208-255-3631.
Idaho Election Calendar
- Oct 24: Early voting begins. Bonner County residents may vote in-person at the Bonner County Elections office in the county administrative building, 1500 Hwy 2, each weekday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. through Nov. 4.
- Oct. 28: Deadline for applications to vote by absentee ballot must be received by the county clerk before 5 p.m.
- Nov. 4: Early voting at the county Elections Office ends at 5 p.m.
- Nov. 8: Absentee ballots must be received by the county clerk by 8 p.m.
- Nov. 8: Election Day. Polling places open 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Click for the Idaho Secretary of State's complete 2022 election calendar.
How and where to vote
You must be registered to vote, and the deadline to pre-register for the Nov. 8 election was Oct. 14. However, you may register to vote at your polling place on Election Day with identification and proof of residency. From Oct. 24-Nov. 4, you may vote early in-person at the Bonner County Elections office and register at that time. On Election Day, vote at the polling place for the precinct in which you live. Click for Bonner County's list of polling places addresses or the polling places map.
A number of helpful tools are provided by the Idaho Secretary of State:
Following are links to information on ballot measures and candidates who will be on the ballot for the Nov. 8 general election.
Sandpoint ballot measure: Tourist lodging tax
Voters who live within the Sandpoint city limits will vote in favor or against a proposed increase in the local option tax for tourist lodging within the city. The measure would increase the current 7 percent tax to 14 percent and extend it through 2035. Revenues raised would fund public safety services, parks, infrastructure, street paving and sidewalks. Click for the full text from the sample ballot for the City of Sandpoint Non-property Tax for Tourist Lodging.
Bonner County offices
County Commissioner District 2
Asia Williams won the Republican primary and is unopposed
Asia Williams, R - Website | Facebook
County Commissioner District 3
Luke Omodt won the Republican primary and is unopposed
Luke Omodt, R - Website | Facebook
Bonner County Assessor
Grant Dorman won the Republican primary and is unopposed
Grant Dorman, R - Website | Facebook
Bonner County Treasurer
Clorissa Koster was unopposed in the primary and is unopposed
Clorrisa Koster, R
Bonner County Clerk
Mike Rosedale was unopposed in the primary and is unopposed
Mike Rosedale, R (incumbent)
Bonner County Coroner
Robert Beers was unopposed in the primary and is unopposed
Robert Beers, R (incumbent)
Idaho Legislature
Bonner County includes parts of two legislative districts. Most of Bonner County, plus all of Boundary County, falls in District 1. Residents of the southwest slice of the county near Blanchard are in District 2.
Legislative District 1
Idaho State Senator
Scott Herndon, R - Website | Facebook | Declined KRFY interview
Steve Johnson, I (write-in) - Website | KRFY interview
State Representative Seat A
Mark Sauter won the Republican primary and is unopposed
Mark Sauter, R - Website
State Representative Seat B
Sage Dixon won the Republican primary and is unopposed
Sage Dixon, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook
Proposed Idaho Constitutional Amendment
All Idaho voters will vote yes or no for a proposed amendment to the state Constitution to allow the Legislature to convene itself in a special session if 60 percent of the members of the House and the Senate approve. Currently the Legislature may meet in a special session only if it is called for by the governor. Click to read the full text from the sample ballot for the SJR 102 Idaho Constitutional Amendment.
State offices
Nominated candidates for state offices on the ballot may be from Democratic (D), Republican (R), Libertarian (L), Independent (I) and Constitutional parties.
Idaho Governor
Ammon Bundy, I
Chantyrose Davison, C
Stephen Heidt, D
Brad Little, R (incumbent)
Paul Sand, L
Lieutenant Governor
Scott Bedke, R
Terri Pickens Manweiler, D
Pro-Life (formerly known as Marvin Richardson), C
Secretary of State
Shawn Keenan, D
Phil McGrane
Attorney General
Tom Arkoosh, D
Raúl R. Labrador, R
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Debbie Critchfield, R
Terry L. Gilbert, D
State Controller
Dianna David, D
Miste Gardner, C
Brandon D Woolf, R (incumbent)
State Treasurer
Julie A. Ellsworth, R
Deborah Silver, D
Federal offices
United States Senator
Scott OH Cleveland, I
Mike Crapo, R (incumbent)
Idaho Sierra Law (also known as Carta Reale Sierra), L
David Roth, D
Ray J. Writz, C
United States Representative — District 1
Darian Drake, L
Russ Fulcher, R (incumbent)
Kaylee Peterson, D
Idaho Primary Election :: May 17, 2022
The 2022 Idaho primary election will be held Tuesday, May 17, 2022, for various county offices, Idaho Legislature and statewide offices including governor, and for federal office, two seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and one U.S. Senate seat. Winners in the primary party races will subsequently face off in the general election on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.
Idaho Election Calendar
- Mar. 11: Last day voters can change political party affiliation with the county clerk or become "unaffiliated" before the May 17 primary. Unaffilated voters may choose to affiliate with a party at the polls when they vote; see more details on party affiliation below.
- April 1: County clerks begin mailing absentee ballots to voters who have requested them for the May 17 primary.
- April 22: Voter pre-registration deadline for May 17 election. Those not registered to vote may do so during early voting or at their polling place on Election Day. Unsure if you're registered? Check your record at VoteIdaho.gov.
- May 2-3: Candidates' forums held for contested Bonner County and Idaho Legislature races. Scroll down to click and hear audio recordings of each forum.
- May 2-13: Early voting; voters may vote in-person at the Bonner County Elections Office, 1500 Highway 2 in Sandpoint.
- May 13: Early voting at the Elections Office ends at 5 p.m.; voters must now vote at their local precinct polling place on May 17 Election Day.
- May 17: Absentee voting ends. Absentee ballots must be received at the Elections Office by 8 p.m.
- May 17: Primary Election Day. Polls open 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Unsure where to vote? Check your record and polling place at VoteIdaho.gov
- Nov. 8: General Election Day. Polls open 8 a.m.-8 p.m. for voters to choose between successful primary election candidates.
Click for the Idaho Secretary of State's complete 2022 election calendar.
Party affiliation to vote in the May 17 primary
All registered voters may cast ballots for candidates of any political party in the Nov. 8 general election, but for the May 17 primary election your party affiliation determines which candidates will be on your ballot. Idaho has four parties with which voters may affiliate, or voters may be unaffiliated with any party. See sample ballots below. The deadline for voters to change their party affiliation was March 11. However, voters who are unaffiliated may declare an affiliation at their polling place on Election Day or during early voting. Unsure of how (or if) you're registered? Check your record at VoteIdaho.gov.
Sample ballots:
Constitution |
Democratic | Libertarian |
Republican | Unaffiliated
Bonner County offices
• Candidates' forum. Forum held May 2 at SHS. Click to hear recording.
County Commissioner District 2
• Click to read Sandpoint Reader commissioner questionnaire
Jeff Connolly, R (incumbent) | Website | KRFY interview
Randi Flaherty, R - Website | Facebook | KRFY interview
Asia Williams, R - Website | Facebook | KRFY interview
County Commissioner District 3
• Incumbent Dan McDonald is retiring and will not be on the ballot.
• Click to read Sandpoint Reader commissioner questionnaire
Dave Bowman, R - Website | Facebook | KRFY interview
Richard Harter, R - Website | Facebook | KRFY interview
Ron Korn, R - Website | Facebook | KRFY interview
Luke Omodt, R - Website | Facebook | KRFY interview
Brian A. Riley, R - Facebook | KRFY interview
Bonner County Assessor
• Click to read Sandpoint Reader assessor questionnaire
Grant Dorman, R - Website | Facebook | KRFY interview
Donna Gow, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook | KRFY interview
Jessi A. Webster, R -Website | Facebook | KRFY interview
Bonner County Treasurer
•Incumbent Cheryl Piehl is retiring and will not be on the ballot.
Clorrisa Koster, R - Website
Bonner County Clerk
Mike Rosedale, R (incumbent)
Bonner County Coroner
Robert Beers, R (incumbent)
Idaho Legislature
Bonner County includes parts of two legislative districts. Most of Bonner County, plus all of Boundary County, falls in District 1. Residents of the south county near Blanchard are in the new District 2 and will vote for District 2 candidates.
• Candidates' forum. Forum held May 3. Click to hear recording.
Legislative District 1
State Senator
• Click to read Sandpoint Reader Senate questionnaire
Scott Herndon, R - Website | Facebook | KRFY interview
Jim Woodward, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook | KRFY interview
State Representative Seat A
The decennial redistricting has placed incumbent District 1 Rep. Heather Scott in District 2.
• Click to read Sandpoint Reader House questionnaire
Spencer Hutchings, R - Website | Facebook | Declined KRFY interview
Steve Johnson, D - Website | Uncontested in primary
Adam Rorick, R - Website | Facebook | KRFY interview
Mark Sauter, R - Website | Facebook | KRFY interview
Travis Thompson, R - Website | Facebook | KRFY interview
Cynthia P. Weiss, R - Website | KRFY interview
State Representative Seat B
• Click to read Sandpoint Reader House questionnaire
Sage Dixon, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook | KRFY interview
Todd Engel, R - Website | Did not participate in KRFY interview
Legislative District 2
State Senator
Jon Cantamessa, R
Phil Hart, R - Facebook
Bill Hasz, R - Website
State Representative, Seat A
Heather Scott, R - Website | Facebook
State Representative, Seat B
Dale Hawkins, R - Facebook
JenniferAnn Luoma, Libertarian
Tom Stroschein, D
State offices
Independent candidates (I) will not appear on the primary ballot. Constitutional (CON) and Libertarian (LIB) candidates will not appear unless there is a contested race.
Idaho Governor
• Click to read Idaho Statesman Republican candidate interviews
• Click to read Capital Sun Republican candidate interviews
• Click for Democratic candidates: Shelby Rognstad | Stephen Heidt
Steven R Bradshaw, R
Ammon Bundy, I
Ben Cannady, R
Chantyrose Davison, CON
John Dionne Jr., LIB
Stephen Heidt, D
Edward R. Humphreys, R
Ashley Jackson, R
Brad Little, R (incumbent)
Lisa Marie, R
Janice McGeachin, R
Shelby Rognstad, D (write-in)
Paul Sand, LIB
Cody Usabel, R
Lieutenant Governor
Incumbent Lt Gov Janice McGeachin is relinquishing her seat to run for governor.
• Click to read Idaho Statesman candidate interviews
Scott Bedke, R
Daniel J Gasiorowski, R
Priscilla Giddings, R
Terri Pickens Manweiler, D
Pro-Life (formerly known as Marvin Richardson), CON
Secretary of State
Incumbent SOS Lawerence Denney is retiring.
• Click to read Idaho Statesman candidate interviews
Shawn Keenan, D
Phil McGrane, R
Dorothy Moon, R
Mary Souza, R
Attorney General
• Click to read Idaho Statesman candidate interviews
Raúl R. Labrador, R
Arthur ("Art") Macomber, R
Steven Scanlin, D
Lawrence Wasden, R (incumbent)
Superintendent of Public Instruction
• Click to read Idaho Statesman candidate interviews
Debbie Critchfield, R
Branden J. Durst, R
Terry L. Gilbert, D
Sherri Ybarra, R (incumbent)
State Controller
Miste Gardner, CON
Dianna David, D
Brandon D Woolf, R (incumbent)
State Treasurer
Jill L. Ellsworth, D
Julie A. Ellsworth, R (incumbent)
Federal offices
United States Senator
Brenda Bourn, R
Scott OH Cleveland, I
Mike Crapo, R (incumbent)
Natalie M Fleming, R
Idaho Sierra Law (also known as Carta Reale Sierra), LIB
Ben Pursley, D
David Roth, D
Scott Trotter, R
Ramont Turnbull, R
Ray J. Writz, CON
United States Representative — District 1
Joe Evans, LIB
Russ Fulcher, R (incumbent)
Kaylee Peterson, D
City, School Elections :: November 2, 2021
Elections were held in Idaho on Tuesday, November 2, 20201, for open city council or mayoral offices, school district trustees, and some special taxing districts such as fire and recreation district boards of trustees. Click fo final results for all races in Bonner County, as canvassed and accepted by the Bonner County Commissioners:
Click for the Idaho Secretary of State's complete 2021 election calendar.
City of Sandpoint election
Three of the six Sandpoint city council seats are up for election; voters must live within the city limits and will vote for all three seats. Up for election are the seats currently held by Shannon Sherman, Joel Aispuro and John Darling. Sherman did not seek re-election.
Click to watch recorded October 19 Sandpoint candidates forum»
Click for Sandpoint Reader candidate profiles»
• Joel Aispuro (incumbent) | KRFY interview | Website | Facebook
• Wayne Benner | KRFY interview | Website
• Arthur Bistline | KRFY interview | Email
• John Darling (incumbent) | KRFY interview | Email
• Justin Dick | KRFY interview | Email
• Frytz Mor | KRFY interview | Website | Facebook
• Luke Omodt | KRFY interview | Facebook
• Jason Welker | KRFY interview | Website | Facebook
City of Sandpoint ballot question
The Sandpoint City Council approved a ballot measure proposing a seven-year, 1 percent local option sales tax to be added to purchases made in the city. The funds it would raise would be used for improvements to city parks and construction of sidewalks. Voters will be asked to vote in favor or against the proposal. The measure will require 60 percent approval to pass.
• Click for resolution and ballot question
• Click for story from Sandpoint Reader
• Click for recorded pro-and-con discussion on KRFY Morning Show
• Argument in favor: Yes For Parks and Sidewalks
• Argument opposing: Rushed LOT doesn't deserve support
Lake Pend Oreille School District election
Three of the five seats on the LPOSD Board of Trustees are up for election. Only voters living within the trustee zones with seats up for election can vote on their trustee candidates. Seats up for election are those held by Gary Suppiger in Zone 2 (south of Hwy 2, west of Hwy 95, south of Sagle); Lonnie Williams in Zone 3 (west of Hwy 95, north of Sandpoint); and Cary Kelly in Zone 5 (downtown Sandpoint). Kelly did not seek re-election and the only candidate to file is Tonya Sherman. As Zone 3 and Zone 5 candidates are unopposed, there will be no voting for those seats.
Zone 2 trustee
Click to read Sandpoint Reader candidate profiles»
Click to watch recorded October 19 LPOSD candidates forum»
• Jalon Peters | KRFY Interview | Website | Facebook
• Gary Suppiger (incumbent) | KRFY Interview | Website | Facebook
Dover election
Click to watch recorded October 19 Dover candidates forum»
Click for Sandpoint Reader candidate profiles»
- Mayor
• George Eskridge
• Ryan Wells
- Two open council positions
• Kimberly Bledsoe
• Merlin Glass
• Amy Lizotte
• Marianne Ochs
• Mark Sauter
Kootenai election
- Council Seat 1
• Robert Rutan
• David Sundquist
- Council Seat 3
• Joseph Rafferty
Ponderay election
- Council
• Rickey Larkin
• Phillip McNearney (incumbent)
Hope election
- Council
• Finley Foster
• Kathryn Gorup
East Hope election
- Council two-year seat
• Donald Wells
- Council four-year seat
• Joyce Butler (incumbent)
• Michael Wilcox
Clark Fork election
- Mayor
• Russell Schenck (incumbent)
- Council
• Shari Jones (incumbent)
• Jay White (incumbent)
Priest River election
- Mayor
• Timothy Simpkins
• Kevin Wylie
- Council
• William Mullaley
• Sean Schneider (incumbent)
• Candace “Candy” Turner (incumbent)
Coolin-Cavanaugh Bay Fire District election
- Fire Commissioner Subdistrict 2
• Dallas Gray
- Fire Commissioner Subdistrict 3
• Colleen Wilson
East Priest Lake Fire District election
- Fire Commissioner Subdistrict 1
• Thomas Clevenger
- Fire Commissioner Subdistrict 2
• Jennifer Seaman
- Fire Commissioner Subdistrict 3
• Ann McKinstry
Northside Fire District election
- Fire Commissioner Subdistrict 3
• Robert Howard
• Vernon Roof
Sam Owen Fire District election
- Fire Commissioner Subdistrict 2
• Robert Wathen
Fire Commissioner Subdistrict 3
• Terry Jensen
West Pend Oreille Fire District election
- Fire Commissioner Subdistrict 1
• Christine Coyle
• Anthony Emord
• David Van Natter
- Fire Commissioner Subdistrict 3
• Stephen Bouche
• Samuel Hall
• Larry Larsen
Selkirk Recreation District election
- Board Member Subdistrict 2
• Stephen Elgar
West Bonner County School District #83 election
- Board of Trustees Zone 2
• Susan Brown
• Mark Caldwell
• Lonnie Orr
- Board of Trustees Zone 4
• Keith Rutledge
• Hailey Scott
Special District Elections :: May 18, 2021
Elections will be held in Idaho on Tuesday, May 18, for special taxing districts that have contested seats. In Bonner County there are contested elections in districts given below.
Election Events Calendar
May 3-14: Early voting under way each weekday until May 14, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Bonner County Elections Office, 1500 Highway 2, Sandpoint.
May 18: Election Day. Polling places are open 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Click for 2021 polling place addresses or scroll down to Resources for Voters for tools from the Idaho Secretary of State to check polling location, register to vote and more.
The Bonner County Elections Office has posted sample ballots for the various districts that have contested elections. Click to view the sample ballots. Following are the contested races that will be on the ballot.
East Bonner County Library District Board of Trustees
Four candidates are vying for two seats.
• Jeanine Asche (incumbent) | Candidate profile | KRFY interview
• Amy Flint (incumbent) | Candidate profile | KRFY interview
• Jalon Peters | Candidate profile | KRFY interview
• Kathy Rose | Candidate profile | KRFY interview
Library board candidates are profiled in the May 13 Sandpoint Reader.
Pend Oreille Hospital District Board of Trustees
Five candidates are vying for two seats.
• Julie Berreth | Candidate profile | KRFY interview
• Dolores “Dodie” Glass | Candidate profile | KRFY interview
• Thomas L Lawrence (incumbent) | Candidate profile | KRFY interview
• Helen Parsons (incumbent, appointed) | Candidate profile | KRFY interview
• Jessie Peters | Candidate profile | KRFY interview
Hospital district candidates are profiled in the May 6 Sandpoint Reader.
Southside Water & Sewer District
Two candidates are vying for one open seat.
• Kass Larson
• Alex Murray
Bonner County Special Revenue Bond
The May 18 ballot will include a proposal by Bonner County, for all county residents to vote on, seeking to issue revenue bonds for $8.7 million for the purpose of improvements to the county solid waste system. Voters are asked to cast their ballot for or against the proposed bonds. Click to read the ballot measure.
• County officials describe revenue bond in May 6 Sandpoint Reader.
West Bonner County School District Supplemental Levy
Residents of the West Bonner County School District will vote on a proposal by the school district seeking a two-year supplemental levy for $3,432,579 each year, to support operations of the district's schools. Voters are asked to cast their ballot for or against the proposed levy.
• Click to read the ballot measure
• Click to read story in Sandpoint Reader
• Click to hear 88.5 KRFY interview with district officials
Early voting for all county special district elections began on May 3 and runs until May 14. Registered voters may vote those two weeks from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday at the Bonner County Elections Office located in the Bonner County Administration Building, 1500 Highway 2 in Sandpoint. On Election Day, Tuesday, May 18, polling places around the county will be open 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Click for 2021 polling places or click to the Idaho Votes tool Where Do I Vote?. Scroll down to Resources for Voters for additional Idaho Votes tools provided by the Idaho Secretary of State.
Voters may request absentee ballots until May 7. You may request an absentee ballot online at Idaho Votes. Absentee ballots can be returned by mail or in person to the Elections Office, and must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day.
For information and tools to register to vote, find your polling place, request an absentee ballot and more, scroll down to Resources for Voters.
General Election :: Nov. 3, 2020
The general election on November 3, 2020 will decide numerous local and state races, including one seat in the U.S. Senate and both of Idaho's seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. You may register to vote or check your status; request an absentee ballot; or find your polling place for Election Day, all online at IdahoVotes.gov. Three voting methods are available:
- To vote by absentee ballot you may submit your request for an absentee ballot up until October 23, at IdahoVotes.gov. It will take from a few days to a week to receive your ballot, and you will then have until Election Day to ensure your voted ballot is returned and received at the county elections office.
- Early in-person voting is under way now and continues to October 30. Vote any weekday until October 30 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Bonner County Elections Office at 1500 Highway 2 in Sandpoint.
- Election Day voting on November 3 will take place 8 a.m.-8 p.m. at all regular precinct polling places in Bonner County. Scroll down to Resources for Voters for polling places and additional voter information.
To see what you'll find on the ballot, click to view 2020 Sample Ballot.
Following are interviews and links to information on candidates.
Bonner County offices
County Commissioner District 1
Steven Bradshaw, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook
Steve Johnson, D - Website | Facebook
•Click for Reader questionnaire
•Click to hear KRFY interview
County Commissioner District 2
Jeff Connolly, R (incumbent) - Facebook
Bonner County Sheriff
Daryl Wheeler, R (incumbent)
Cindy Marx, D - Website | Facebook
•Click for Reader questionnaire
•Click to hear KRFY interview
County Prosecutor
Louis E. Marshall, R (incumbent)
•Click for Reader questionnaire
Idaho Legislature
Bonner County includes parts of two legislative districts. Most of Bonner County, plus all of Boundary County, falls in District 1 and residents vote for the District 1 candidates. Residents of the portion of the county south of the Long Bridge east of Highway 95, including most of Sagle, are in District 7 and will vote for District 7 candidates.
Legislative District 1
State Senator
Jim Woodward, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook
Vera Gadman, D
•Click to hear KRFY interview
•Click for Reader questionnaire
State Representative Seat A
Heather Scott, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook
Gail Bolin, D
•Click to hear KRFY interview
State Representative Seat B
Sage Dixon, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook
Stephen Howlett, D - Website | Facebook
Dan Rose, Write-In - Website | Facebook
•Click for Reader questionnaire
•Click to hear KRFY interview
Legislative District 7
State Senator
Carl Crabtree, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook
State Representative, Seat A
Priscilla Giddings, R (incumbent) - Facebook
State Representative, Seat B
Charlie Shepherd, R
•Click to hear May 14 primary KRFY interview
Federal Office
U.S. Senator
- James Risch, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook
- Paulette Jordan, D - Website | Facebook
- Ray Writz, Constitution party - Website
- Natalie Fleming, Independent - Website | Facebook
U.S. Representative 1st Congressional District
- Russ Fulcher, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook
- Rudy Soto, D - Website | Facebook
- Joe Evans, Libertarian - Website | Facebook
U.S. President
As of August 24, 2020, 1,182 candidates have filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to run for president, according to Ballotpedia. The following four notable candidates - one Democrat, one Republican, one Libertarian, and one Green - have demonstrated the campaign infrastructure and resources necessary to be included on the ballot in multiple states. These are the four candidates, listed alphabetically with running mates.
- Joe Biden / Kamala Harris, D - Website
- Howie Hawkins / Angela Nicole Walker, G - Website
- Jo Jorgensen / Spike Cohen, L - Website
- Donald Trump / Mike Pence, R (incumbent) - Website
State and County Primary Election :: May 19, 2020
The Idaho primary election date was May 19, 2020 for numerous local and state races, as well as one seat in the U.S. Senate and both seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. However, due to coronavirus precautions, the Idaho Secretary of State's office requires all voting to be done by absentee ballot. There was no in-person voting, and by a late extension in the date, May 26 was the date by which voters were required to file their request for absentee ballot. The returned absentee ballots must be received by the county elections office (not just postmarked) by 8 p.m. June 2.
Each absentee ballot comes with instructions for return. They may be sent by mail to:
Bonner County Elections Office
1500 Highway 2, Suite 124
Sandpoint, ID 83864
Or, you may complete, scan and email it to: [email protected]
Or, you may fax the completed application to: 208-263-9178
See more details at the Bonner County Elections Office or call 208-255-3631.
This graphic reprises the process for absentee voting this year.

Key Dates for the Primary Election
Following are dates and deadlines for the election and voting.
- Voting under way. You may vote as soon as you receive your absentee ballot.
April 28: Candidates Forum. Sandpoint Online and the Sandpoint Reader hosted a live online candidates forum with viewers submitting questions for candidates. The candidates in contested primary races - Republican Bonner County Commissioner candidates Steven Bradshaw and Butch Horton, and Legislative District 1 State Representative Seat B candidates Sage Dixon and Gary Suppiger - all took part.
Click to see recorded forum: www.bit.ly/BonnerCandidatesForum2020
- May 26: Absentee Ballot Application Deadline. Final day to apply for absentee ballot. This date was extended from the original May 19 deadline.
- June 2: Absentee ballot return deadline. Voted absentee ballots must be received by the county clerk by 8 p.m. See above for more details.
- June 2: Election results. The earliest date for results to be posted is after 8 p.m. June 2.
Sample ballots
Here are sample ballots for Bonner County. Click to see for your district and party.
Legislative District 1: Click for Democratic • Republican
Legislative District 7: : Click for Democratic • Republican
Bonner County offices
County Commissioner District 1
Steven Bradshaw, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook
Butch Horton, R - Website | Facebook | Reader profile
Hear interviews with Bradshaw, Horton on April 30 KRFY podcast
Steve Johnson, D - Facebook
County Commissioner District 2
Jeff Connolly, R (incumbent) - Facebook
Bonner County Sheriff
Daryl Wheeler, R (incumbent)
Cindy Marx, D (write-in)
County Prosecutor
Louis E. Marshall, R (incumbent)
Precinct Committeemen
All Precinct Committeemen are up for election. Click for candidates.
Idaho Legislature
Bonner County includes parts of two legislative districts. Most of Bonner County, plus all of Boundary County, falls in District 1 and residents vote for the District 1 candidates. Residents of the portion of the county south of the Long Bridge east of Highway 95, including most of Sagle, are in District 7 and will vote for District 7 candidates.
Legislative District 1
State Senator
Jim Woodward, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook
Vera Gadman, D
State Representative Seat A
Heather Scott, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook
Gail Bolin, D
State Representative Seat B
Sage Dixon, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook | Reader profile
Gary Suppiger, R - Website | Facebook | Reader profile
Hear interviews with Dixon, Suppiger on May 7 KRFY podcast
Stephen Howlett, D
Legislative District 7
State Senator
Carl Crabtree, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook
State Representative, Seat A
Priscilla Giddings, R (incumbent) - Facebook
Dennis Harper, R - Website | Facebook
State Representative, Seat B
Cornel Rasor, R - Website | Facebook
Charlie Shepherd, R
Hear interviews with Rasor, Shepherd on May 14 KRFY podcast
Federal Office
U.S. Senator
- James Risch, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook
- Paulette Jordan, D - Website | Facebook
- Jim Vandermaas, D - Website | Facebook
- Ray Writz, Constitution party - Website
- Natalie Fleming, Independent* - Website | Facebook
*Independent candidates will only appear on the General Election ballot in November
U.S. Representative 1st Congressional District
- Russ Fulcher, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook
- Nicholas Jones, R - Website | Facebook
- Staniela Nikolova, D - Website
- Rudy Soto, D - Website | Facebook
- Joe Evans, Libertarian - Website | Facebook
Presidential Primary :: March 10, 2020
Idaho presidential election results: The presidential primary was March 10, 2020. In the
Republican primary, incumbent President Donald Trump won statewide with 94.5 percent of the vote; among Bonner County voters, he garnered 94.6 percent of the vote.
In the Democratic primary, Joe Biden won the state with 48.8 percent of the vote to Bernie Sanders' 42.5%. In Bonner County, Biden got 47.6 percent of the vote to Sanders' 42.1 percent.
For the Constitution Party, Don Blankenship won statewide with 27.4 percent of the vote among the six candidates on the ballot; he received 29.2 percent in Bonner County despite receiving only 7 votes, as locally a total of only 24 votes were cast in that party's primary.
Local voter turnout. In Bonner County, there were 6,053 ballots cast among all parties. The Idaho Secretary of State office reported the total Bonner County registration as of February 27 at 27,249, which yields a voter turnout for the primary of about 22.3 percent.
City & School Elections :: Nov. 5, 2019
On Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019 voters in Idaho elected city council members and/or mayors as well as school district trustees. Voters in the Lake Pend Oreille School District and the City of Ponderay also approved ballot measures.
Scroll down to see winners annotated. For results for all city races and ballot measures in Bonner County click for results by race and precinct»
Election video and podcasts
• Video of Oct. 29 forum for Sandpoint, Ponderay, LPOSD: Idaho News Report
• Podcast of LPOSD ballot measure and trustees: Oct. 30 KRFY Morning Show
• Podcast of Sandpoint mayor candidates: Oct. 23 KRFY Morning Show
• Podcast of Sandpoint council candidates: Oct. 9 KRFY Morning Show
• Podcast of Ponderay local option tax, candidates: Oct. 2 KRFY Morning Show
Lake Pend Oreille School District
Voters in Trustee Zones 1 and 4 will be voting on those two seats up for election on the Board of Trustees. Click to see map of zones. Additionally, all district residents will be voting whether to make the district's supplemental operations and maintenance levy, which has been approved by voters every two years for the past 20 years and now constitutes almost 35 percent of the district's annual budget, a continuing or "indefinite term" levy that won't require the recurring vote.
The trustee candidates are:
Zone 1 (Clark Fork, Hope and eastern Bonner County)
Purley Decker (incumbent, unopposed) *WINNER*
Zone 4 (Sagle area and portions of Ponderay)
Geraldine Lewis (incumbent) *WINNER*
Tara Tribbett
Continuing levy: The ballot question will ask voters to vote in favor of or against continuing the existing approved annual maintenance and operations levy amount of $12.7 million each year for an "indefinite term." Click to read the ballot question. *APPROVED*
In Sandpoint, the mayor and the three city council seats currently held by Bill Aitken, Thomas Eddy and Deb Ruehle are up for election. Aitken and Eddy are retiring.
For mayor, three candidates have filed:
Ken Lawrence - Website | Facebook | Facebook | Candidate Profile
Shelby Rognstad (incumbent) - Website | Facebook | Facebook | Candidate Profile *WINNER*
Shannon Williamson - Website | Facebook | Facebook | Candidate Profile
For city council, five candidates filed for the three open seats:
Andy Groat - Facebook | Candidate Profile *WINNER*
Jacque Guinan - Facebook | Facebook | Candidate Profile
Kate McAlister - Facebook | Facebook | Candidate Profile *WINNER*
Shannon Kaye Mitchell - Website | Facebook | Facebook | Candidate Profile
Deb Ruehle (incumbent) - Facebook | Facebook | Candidate Profile *WINNER*
Ponderay races and ballot measure
In the City of Ponderay, the mayor and two city council seats are up for election. Additionally, city residents will be voting on a proposed local option tax.
For mayor, two candidates have filed:
Steve Geiger (incumbent) *WINNER*
Tara V. Tribbett
For city council, three candidates are filed for the two open seats:
Gary Kunzeman (incumbent) *TIE*
Brad Mitton *TIE*
Brenda Thompson (incumbent) *WINNER*
Ponderay Resort City Local Option Tax: Idaho state law allows cities under 10,000 population, that are classified as resort cities, to pass local option taxes to help defray costs residents incur from tourism. Ponderay is asking residents to vote on a proposal to add a 1 percent tax on retail sales under $1000, with the money dedicated to two specified projects: to gain access to Lake Pend Oreille, and to develop the Field of Dreams park. Click to read the ballot question. *APPROVED*
Other city races in Bonner County
Freda King
Mike Davis *WINNER*
City Council (two seats open)
Dan Parkin *WINNER*
Tom Williams *WINNER*
Nancy Lewis *WINNER*
Council Seat 2
Margaret Mjelde *WINNER*
Fabiola Ferris
Bryan Black
Council Seat 4
Daniel Schock *WINNER*
William Breen *WINNER*
City Council (two seats open)
Bill Perry *WINNER*
Bruce Stutzke *WINNER*
East Hope
Vernon Fleisher *WINNER*
City Council (two seats open)
Deborah Field *WINNER*
Ian Barrett *WINNER*
Phillip Kuranz
Clark Fork
City Council (two seats open)
Sharon Banning *WINNER*
Stanley Spanski *WINNER*
Priest River
City Council (two seats open for 4-year position)
Douglas Wagner *WINNER*
Greg Edwards *WINNER*
Sean Schnieder
City Council (one seat open for 2-year position)
Kevin Wylie *WINNER*
May 21, 2019 Special Election: EBCLD, Hospital, Fire
A special election will be held Tuesday, May 21, to elect trustees for East Bonner County Library District and Pend Oreille Hospital District, decide a proposed supplemental levy for the West Bonner County School District, as well as other issues. If you live within any of the districts for which votes are being held, you will vote at the regular polling place where you voted in the most recent general election. If you are unsure about your polling location, use the tool at Idaho Votes. You may vote early until May 17, at the Bonner County Elections Office, 1500 Highway 2 at Division Street in Sandpoint.
Candidates for East Bonner County Library Trustee
Six-Year Term (vote for two):
- Robert A. Diderich
- Judy L. Meyers
- Joan Terrell
Read candidate profiles at EBonnerLibrary.org»
Candidates for Pend Oreille Hospital District Trustee
Deadlines for May 21 Election:
May 10 - Last day for mail-in absentee requests
May 17 - Last day for in-person absentee voting
Wednesday, May 15: Sandy Brower, West Bonner County School District Board Chair, and Paul Anselmo, WBCSD Superintendent, will be interviewed on the 88.5 KRFY Morning Show. Show airtime is 8 a.m., with the WBCSD interview to begin at about 8:39 a.m. A podcast recording available later that afternoon.
Ballots: Many precincts have more than one ballot type; the ballot you receive is based on whether or not you live within the boundaries of each special district. Your residence address is used to determine the appropriate ballot for you to vote. If you have questions, contact the Bonner County Election Office at 208-255-3631.
- East Bonner County Free Library and Pend Oreille Hospital. Precincts with this ballot type: Airport, Algoma, Baldy, Beach, Careywood, Clark Fork, Cocolalla, Colburn, Dover, Edgemere, Gamlin Lake, Grouse Creek, Hope, Humbird, Kelso, Kootenai, Lakeview, Oden, Sagle, Selle, Southside, Washington, Westmond, and Wrenco.
- East Bonner County Free Library, Pend Oreille Hospital, and Westside Fire. Precincts with this ballot type: Airport, Baldy, Dover, Laclede, Washington, and Wrenco.
- West Bonner County School District. Precincts with this ballot type: Blue Lake, East Priest River, Lamb Creek, Oldtown, Priest Lake, Spirit Valley, West Priest River
- East Bonner County Free Library, Pend Oreille Hospital, and Southside Water and Sewer. Precincts with this ballot type: Algoma and Sagle.
- East Bonner County Free Library, Pend Oreille Hospital, and West Bonner County School District. Precincts with this ballot type: Edgemere and Laclede.
- East Bonner County Free Library, Pend Oreille Hospital, West Bonner County School District, and West Side Fire: Laclede precinct only.
- East Bonner County Free Library, Pend Oreille Hospital, and Timberlake Fire. Precincts with this ballot type: Careywood and Kelso
- Bayview Water and Sewer, Director - Careywood precinct only.
- Bayview Water and Sewer, Bonds - Careywood precinct only.
LPOSD Supplemental Levy Election :: March 12, 2019
Voters in the Lake Pend Oreille School District are being asked to vote on a Replacement Maintenance and Operations Supplemental Levy on Tuesday, March 12, 2019. The levy is $12.7 million each year for two years, or $25.4 million total for the two-year duration of the levy. It replaces the expiring levy, and it is not a permanent levy.
According to the LPOSD, the levy will fund:
• 1/3 of all district staff; approximately 300 full-time and part-time staff positions.
• Sound class size, secondary electives and small rural schools.
• 30% of the school district’s annual revenue.
• All academic and athletic extracurricular activities.
• All curriculum and instructional materials, as well as professional development and instructional mentoring.
• Technology: internal network upgrades, fiber network implementation, hardware, software licenses and the entire technology department staff.
• Highly effective personnel. It funds a wage increase for our teachers and staff to become regionally competitive in Idaho compensation.
• Teaching and learning and student wellness.
- For more information, visit LPOSD.org.
How and where to vote:
– Vote at the regular polling place for your precinct. Polls will be open from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 12, 2019. All registered voters who live in the Lake Pend Oreille School District within Bonner County, Idaho, are eligible to vote. You are required to show an approved photo ID or sign an affidavit attesting to your identity.
– Find your polling place. If unsure of your polling place, click now to use the Where do I vote? tool on the IdahoVotes.gov website. Or, check the Bonner County elections website.
– Register to vote. The last day to pre-register for the March 12 election was February 15, 2019, but the State of Idaho has Election Day registration. You can go to your polling place on Election Day, register to vote, and vote at the same time. You'll need state-approved ID and proof of your place of residence, such as a utility bill.
Scroll down for more resources and information for voters.
Idaho General Election :: November 6, 2018
Voters in Idaho went to the polls November 6, 2018 to vote on numerous local and state races, as well as both seats in the U.S. Congress for the House of Representatives and two ballot propositions. Following are the results:
Bonner County offices
County Commissioner District 1
Steven Bradshaw, R - Website | Facebook *Winner*
Steve Johnson, D - Website | Facebook
County Commissioner District 3
Dan McDonald, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook *Winner*
Steve Lockwood, D - Website | Facebook
County Clerk
Michael Rosedale, R (incumbent) *Winner*
County Treasurer
Cheryl Piehl, R (incumbent) *Winner*
County Assessor
Donna Gow, R - Website | Facebook *Winner*
Wendel Bergman, I
County Coroner
Robert Beers, R (incumbent) *Winner*
Bonner Soil and Water Conservation District.
Two seats on the Board of Supervisors are up for election, with four candidates on the ballot. See bonnerswcd.org for info on the district.
Allen R. Banks
Thomas E Clark
Terry McGuirk (incumbent) *Winner*
Dale Van Stone (incumbent) *Winner*
Idaho Legislature
Bonner County includes parts of two legislative districts. Most of Bonner County, plus all of Boundary County, falls in District 1 and residents vote for the District 1 candidates. However, residents of the portion of the county south of the Long Bridge east of Highway 95, including most of Sagle, are in District 7 and will vote for District 7 candidates.
Legislative District 1
State Senator
Jim Woodward, R - Website | Facebook *Winner*
Vera Gadman, D
State Representative Seat A
Heather Scott, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook *Winner*
Ellen Weissman, D - Facebook
State Representative Seat B
Sage Dixon, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook *Winner*
Stephen Howlett, D - Facebook
Legislative District 7
State Senator
Carl Crabtree, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook *Winner*
State Representative, Seat A
Priscilla Giddings, R (incumbent) - Facebook *Winner*
State Representative, Seat B
Paul Shepherd, R (incumbent) *Winner*
Idaho ballot measures
Two ballot measures will be up for vote in the General Election.
Idaho Proposition 1, Authorize Betting on Historical Horse Races Initiative *No*
Idaho Proposition 2, Medicaid Expansion Initiative *Yes*
Statewide Offices
Idaho Governor
- Paulette E. Jordan, D - Website | Facebook
- Brad Little, R - Website | Facebook *Winner*
Lieutenant Governor
- Kristin Collum, D - Website | Facebook
- Janice McGeachin, R - Website | Facebook *Winner*
Secretary of State
- Jill Humble, D- Website | Facebook
- Lawerence Denney, R (incumbent) - Website *Winner*
State Controller
- Brandon Woolf, R - Website *Winner*
State Treasurer
- Julie Ellsworth, R - Website | Facebook *Winner*
Attorney General
- Bruce S. Bistline, D
- Lawrence Wasden, R (incumbent) - Website *Winner*
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Cindy Wilson, D - Website | Facebook
Sherri Ybarra, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook *Winner*
Supreme Court Justice
- To Succeed G. Richard Bevan
G. Richard Bevan
Court of Appeals Judge
To Succeed David W. Gratton
David Gratton
To Succeed Jessica M. Lorello
Jessica M. Lorello
District Court Judge - District 1
To succeed: Barbara Buchanan
Barbara Buchanan
To succeed: Cynthia K.C. Meyer
Cynthia K.C. Meyer
To succeed: John T. Mitchell
John T. Mitchell
To succeed: Lansing L. Haynes
Lansing L. Haynes
To succeed: Rich Christensen
Rich Christensen
To succeed: Scott Wayman
Scott Wayman
Federal Office
U.S. Representative 1st Congressional District
- Christina McNeil, D - Website | Facebook
- Russ Fulcher, R - Website | Facebook *Winner*
Idaho Primary Elections :: May 15, 2018
Voters in Idaho go to the polls May 15, 2018 to vote on numerous local and state races, as well as both seats in the U.S. Congress for the House of Representatives. Polls are open 8 a.m.-8 p.m. on Election Day. Below are races that will appear on the ballot for voters in Bonner County.
Be sure you're registered to vote. You may register to vote at the polls on Election Day. Only registered Republicans can vote on the Republican ballot; anyone may choose to vote the Democratic ballot. Unaffiliated voters may affiliate at the polls on Election Day. Check your registration, see where to vote and get details on registering and affiliating at Idaho Votes. Scroll down this page to Resources for Voters for other voting and party links.
Here are important dates in the run-up to the primary election:
May 4: Last day for mail-in absentee ballot application.
May 11: Last day for in-person absentee voting. Last day for early voting.
May 15: Idaho primary elections. Polls open 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Following are offices up for election that will be on the primary ballot for voters in Bonner County, with links to candidate websites and profiles.
Note: Profiles from Sandpoint Reader are included for all county and First District Legislature races that are contested in the primary. There are no profiles for candidates that are not in contested races in the primary; those profiles will be included for the general election in November.
Bonner County offices
County Commissioner District 1
Glen Bailey, R (incumbent) - Facebook | Sandpoint Reader Profile
Steven Bradshaw, R - Website | Facebook | Did not respond for Reader profile
G. Bruce Hollett, R | Sandpoint Reader Profile
Patricia J. Wentworth, D
County Commissioner District 3
Dan McDonald, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook | Sandpoint Reader Profile
Carol Kunzeman, R - Website | Facebook | Sandpoint Reader Profile
Steve Lockwood, D - Website | Facebook
County Clerk
Michael Rosedale, R (incumbent)
County Treasurer
Cheryl Piehl, R (incumbent)
County Assessor
Seat held by Jerry Clemons, retiring
Dennis Engelhardt, R - Website | Facebook | Sandpoint Reader Profile
Donna Gow, R - Website | Facebook | Sandpoint Reader Profile
Richard Miller, R - Website | Facebook | Sandpoint Reader Profile
Shirley Kolm, D
Wendel Bergman, Unaffiliated
County Coroner
Robert Beers, R (incumbent)
Precinct Committeepersons
- View the list (pdf)
Bonner County Ballot Question
Bonner County Commissioners are holding an advisory vote on the proposed Scotchman Peaks wilderness. This question will be on the ballot:
Do you favor Senator Jim Risch's proposal for congressional designation of a 13,960-acre Scotchman Peaks Wilderness area in Bonner County?
- In Favor
- Against
Facebook page for opponents
Facebook page for proponents
Idaho Legislature
Bonner County includes parts of two legislative districts. Most of Bonner County, plus all of Boundary County, falls in District 1 and residents vote for the District 1 candidates. However, residents of the portion of the county south of the Long Bridge east of Highway 95, including most of Sagle, are in District 7 and will vote for District 7 candidates.
Legislative District 1
State Senator
Seat held by Shawn Keough, retiring
Danielle Ahrens, R - Website | Facebook | Sandpoint Reader Profile
Scott Herndon, R - Website | Facebook | Sandpoint Reader Profile
Jim Woodward, R - Website | Facebook | Sandpoint Reader Profile
Vera Gadman, D
State Representative Seat A
Heather Scott, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook | Sandpoint Reader Profile
Mike Boeck, R - Website | Facebook | Sandpoint Reader Profile
Bob Vickaryous, D | Sandpoint Reader Profile
Ellen Weissman, D | Sandpoint Reader Profile
State Representative Seat B
Sage Dixon, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook
Stephen Howlett, D - Facebook
Legislative District 7
State Senator
Carl Crabtree, R (incumbent) - Website | Facebook
State Representative, Seat A
Priscilla Giddings, R (incumbent) - Facebook
Ryan A. Lawrence, R - Website | Facebook
Shannon McMillan, R - Facebook
State Representative, Seat B
Paul Shepherd, R (incumbent)
Phil Hart, R
Statewide Offices
For more information, click to the Secretary of State's Declared Candidates page.
Idaho Governor
- A.J. Balukoff, D - Website | Facebook | Sandpoint Reader Profile
- Paulette E. Jordan, D - Website | Facebook | Sandpoint Reader Profile
- Peter Dill, D
- Tommy Ahlquist, R - Website | Facebook | Sandpoint Reader Profile
- Harley Delano Brown, R
- Dalton Ben Cannady, R
- Raul Labrador, R - Website | Facebook | Did not respond to Sandpoint Reader questionnaire
- Brad Little, R - Website | Facebook | Sandpoint Reader Profile
- Steve Pankey, R - Website | Facebook
- Lisa Marie, R - Facebook
- Bev "Angel" Boeck, L
- Walter L. Bayes, C
Lieutenant Governor
- Kristin Collum, D
- Jim Fabe, D
- Marv Hagedorn, R - Website | Facebook
- Janice McGeachin, R - Website | Facebook
- Bob Nonini, R - Website | Facebook
- Kelley Packer, R - Website | Facebook
- Steve Yates, R - Website | Facebook
Secretary of State
- Joseph J.P. Chastain, D
- Jill Humble, D
- Lawerence Denney, R (incumbent) - Website
State Controller
- Brandon Woolf, R - Website
State Treasurer
- Julie Ellsworth, R
- Tom Kealey, R - Website
- Vicky McIntyre, R - Website | Facebook
Attorney General
- Bruce S. Bistline, D
- Lawrence Wasden, R (incumbent) - Website
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Allen Humble, D
Cindy Wilson, D
Sherri Ybarra, R (incumbent) - Website
Jeff Dillon, R - Website | Facebook
Supreme Court Justice
- To Succeed G. Richard Bevan
G. Richard Bevan
Court of Appeals Judge
To Succeed David W. Gratton
David Gratton
To Succeed Jessica M. Lorello
Jessica M. Lorello
District Court Judge - District 1
To succeed: Barbara Buchanan
Barbara Buchanan
To succeed: Cynthia K.C. Meyer
Cynthia K.C. Meyer
To succeed: John T. Mitchell
John T. Mitchell
Douglas A. Pierce
To succeed: Lansing L. Haynes
Lansing L. Haynes
To succeed: Rich Christensen
Rich Christensen
To succeed: Scott Wayman
Scott Wayman
Federal Office
U.S. Representative 1st Congressional District
- Christina McNeil, D
- Michael Smith, D - Facebook
- James Vandermaas, D - Website | Facebook
- Russ Fulcher, R - Website | Facebook | Sandpoint Reader Profile
- Alex Gallegos, R
- Nick Henderson, R - Website | Facebook
- David Leroy, R - Website | Facebook | Sandpoint Reader Profile
- Luke Malek, R - Website | Facebook
- Christy Perry, R - Website | Facebook
- Michael Snyder, R - Website | Facebook
- W. Scott Howard, L - Website | Facebook | Twitter
- Pro-Life, C
* Just two candidates (Fulcher and Malek) reached out for the Sandpoint Reader profile request, but click for a brief roundup on the others.
Idaho City Elections :: Nov. 7, 2017
Voters in Idaho elected city council members and/or mayors on Nov. 7, 2017. View results on the Bonner County Elections page.
Sandpoint elected three council members:
- Shannon Williamson's seat
- Robert Camp's seat
- Stephen Snedden's seat
Joel Aispuro - Facebook | Candidate Profile | KRFY interview *Winner*
Jeff Bohnhof - Facebook | Candidate Profile | KRFY interview
John E. Darling - Facebook | Candidate Profile | KRFY interview *Winner*
Mose Dunkel - Facebook | Did not return candidate profile | KRFY interview
Robert Jediny - Facebook | Candidate Profile | KRFY interview
Shannon Williamson - Facebook | Website | Candidate Profile | KRFY interview *Winner*
Find more information on the City of Sandpoint website or call City Clerk Maree Peck at 208-263-3310.
Other Bonner County cities
Ponderay will have an election for two council members:
- Karen Engel's seat
- Kathleen Osborne's seat
Declared candidates:
Jacque Guinan
Nancy B. Piatt
Kathleen M. Osborne
Phil McNearney
Kootenai will have an election for two council seats:
- Seat #1 David Sundquist
- Seat #3 Grace Bauer
Declared candidates:
David Sundquist
Grace Bauer
Hope will have an election for two council members
Declared candidates:
Carolyn Guldberg
Robert Lizotte
Clark Fork will have an election for two council members and mayor
Declared candidates:
Russell W. Schenck
Shari Jones
Blaine Williams
Dover will have an election for possibly two council seats
Declared candidate:
William C. Strand
LPOSD, EBCLD, Hospital elections: May 16, 2017
An election was held Tuesday, May 16, to elect trustees for the Lake Pend Oreille School District, East Bonner County Library District and Pend Oreille Hospital District.
Candidates for Lake Pend Oreille School District Trustee
Voters may vote only for the candidates representing the zone they live in.
Zone 2: South of the river; west of Highway 95; south of Sagle. Click for map.
Seat held by retiring trustee Matthew Mire
Hear May 10, 2017 candidates' interview on 88.5 KRFY: Click for podcast.
Gary Suppiger - Website | Profile * Winner *
Richard Miller - Website | Profile
Zone 3: West of Highway 95; north of Sandpoint. Click for map.
Seat held by retiring trustee Joan Fish
Hear May 3, 2017 candidates' interview on 88.5 KRFY: Click for podcast.
Victoria Zeischegg - Website | Profile
Lonnie Williams - Website | Profile * Winner *
Zone 5: Downtown Sandpoint; west including Dover. Click for map.
Seat held by retiring trustee/board chair Steve Youngdahl
Hear April 19, 2017 candidates' interview on 88.5 KRFY: Click for podcast.
Anita Perry - Website | Profile
Cary Kelly - Website | Profile * Winner *
Candidates for East Bonner County Library Trustee
Two-Year Term:
- Judy Meyer * Winner *
- Gilbert E. 'Gil' Beyer
Four-Year Term:
- Jeanine Asche * Winner *
Six-Year Term. Vote for one:
- Joan Terrell | Profile from EBCL website
- Susan L. Shea | Profile from EBCL website * Winner *
Candidates for Pend Oreille Hospital District Trustee
Vote for five; Michelle Anderson's name was withdrawn, but this race will still appear on the ballot.
- Michelle Anderson * (not eligible)
- Bart Casey
- Tim Cochran
- Jim Frank
- Daniel Rose
- Shawn Woodward
Voters in the Lake Pend Oreille School District approved a Replacement Supplemental Levy Election on
LPOSD Replacement Supplemental Levy Election
March 14, 2017:
- In Favor: 4,991 (64%)
- Against: 2,806 (36%)
The $17 million two-year levy ($8.3 million in 2018; $8.7 million in 2019) funds the following:
- 1/3 of all district staff; approximately 165 full-time staff positions
- Support sound class sizes and secondary electives
- All academic and athletic extracurricular activities
- Technology and all curricular materials, professional development
- For more information, visit LPOSD.org.
Where to vote:
- Vote in person. Polls will be open from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 14, 2017. All registered voters who live in the Lake Pend Oreille School District within Bonner County, Idaho, are eligible to vote.
- Vote at your regular county polling place. See chart below or find out more on the Bonner County elections website.
The last day to pre-register for the March 14 election is February 17, 2017, but the State of Idaho has Election Day registration - so if you miss the pre-election registration date, you can still go to your polling place on Election Day, register to vote, and vote at the same time.
- Vote via absentee ballot. If you will be out of the area on March 14, simply fill out an absentee ballot at the Bonner County election office, located in the County Building at 1500 Highway 2 in Sandpoint. For more information, call 208-255-3631. The last day that the elections office can receive applications for mail-out absentee ballots is March 3, 2017. Voted Ballots must be received by the elections office by 8 p.m. March 14, 2017.
- You may vote in person at the elections office beginning February 10, 2017, and the final day for in-person voting prior to Election Day is March 10, 2017.
General Election 2016
The General Election for local, state and federal races was held Nov. 8, 2016.
2016 General Election results
⋅ Local races from Bonner County Clerk»
⋅ Statewide races from Sec of State»
⋅ National results from USA Today»
Bonner County offices
Bonner County Sheriff
- Daryl Wheeler (R), incumbent; winner of the May primary - Website * WINNER *
- Terry Ford (R), Write-in candidate - Website
Bonner County Commissioner - District 2
- Jeff Connolly (R) - Website | Facebook * WINNER *
- Unopposed
Bonner County Commissioner - District 3
- Dan McDonald (R) - Website | Facebook * WINNER *
- Unopposed
Bonner County Prosecuting Attorney
- Louis E. Marshall (incumbent) (R) * WINNER *
- Unopposed
Idaho Legislature
Bonner County includes parts of two legislative districts. Residents of the portion of the county south of the Long Bridge east of Highway 95, including most of Sagle, are in District 7 and will vote for District 7 candidates; the rest of Bonner County and all of Boundary County are in District 1 and will vote for the District 1 candidates.
Idaho State Senate - Legislative District 1
- Steve Tanner (D)
- Shawn Keough (incumbent) (R) - Website | Facebook * WINNER *
Idaho State Senate - Legislative District 7
- Ken Meyers (D) - Website | Facebook
- Carl Crabtree (R) - Website | Facebook * WINNER *
Idaho State Representative - District 1A
- Kate McAlister (D) - Website | Facebook
- Heather Scott (incumbent) (R) - Website | Facebook * WINNER *
Idaho State Representative - District 1B
- Stephen Howlett (D) Facebook
- Sage Dixon (incumbent) (R) - Website | Facebook * WINNER *
Idaho State Representative - Legislative District 7A
- Jessica Chilcott (D) - Facebook
- Priscilla Giddings (R) - Website * WINNER *
Idaho State Representative - Legislative District 7B
- Paul E. Shepherd (incumbent) (R) - Website * WINNER *
HJR 5 Idaho Constitutional Amendment
On the ballot for all Idaho voters to vote yes or no is HJR 5. It is a proposal to amend the state Constitution "to provide that the Legislature may review any administrative rule to ensure it is consistent with the legislative intent of the statute that the rule was written to interpret, prescribe, implement or enforce; to provide that, after review, the Legislature may approve or reject, in whole or in part, any rule as provided by law; and to provide that legislative approval or rejection of a rule is not subject to gubernatorial veto."
The following links provide background and arguments for and against the proposed constitutional amendment:
- Idaho Statesman: Amendment needs improvement
- U.S. Sen. Jim Risch: Vote YES
- Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden: Vote NO
- Lt. Gov. Brad Little: Amendment merits support
Idaho Judiciary
Non-partisan race for seat now held by Jim Jones
- Robyn Brody - Website * WINNER *
- Curt McKenzie - Website
- Idaho Statesman: Politics in Brody-McKenzie race
U.S. Senate and House of Representatives
United States Senator
- Ray J. Writz (C)
- Jerry Sturgill (D) - Website | Facebook
- Mike Crapo incumbent (R) - Website | Facebook * WINNER *
United States Representative Congressional District 1
- James Piotrowski (D) - Website | Facebook
- Raul R. Labrador incumbent (R) - Website | Facebook * WINNER *
United States President
- Hillary Clinton (D) - Website | Facebook
- Donald J. Trump (R) - Website | Facebook * WINNER *
Candidate and election news
Voters' Guide. The Oct. 27, 2016 Sandpoint Reader included a voter's guide with questionnaires completed by candidates in contested races for U.S. Congress, Idaho House and Senate, and Bonner County. Eight-page PDF (2.5 MB). Click to read or download.
KRFY 88.5 FM Local Decision 2016. The Wednesday editions of the KRFY Morning Show feature its Local Decision 2016 series covering all the state and local contested races. Listeners are invited to tune in every Wednesday right up until Election Day to hear the candidates live, on the air. All candidates in the contested races are invited; some have not confirmed. Airtime is 8 a.m. for each show:
Oct. 5: Bonner County Sheriff, with write-in candidate Terry Ford. Incumbent Republican Daryl Wheeler did not participate. Listen to podcast.
Oct. 12: District 7 House Seat A race, with Democrat Jessica Chilcott and Republican Priscilla Giddings; and Senate candidates Republican Carl Crabtree and Democrat Ken Meyers. Listen to podcast.
Oct. 19: District 1 Idaho House Seat B race, with incumbent Republican Sage Dixon and Democrat Stephen Howlett. Listen to podcast.
Oct. 26: District 1 Idaho House Seat A race, with Democrat Kate McAlister. Incumbent Republican Heather Scott did not participate. Listen to podcast.
Nov. 2: District 1 Idaho Senate race, with incumbent Republican Shawn Keough and Democrat Steve Tanner. Listen to podcast.
Nov. 9: Election recap This show on the morning following the election to feature a recap of the results, with reporters from the Sandpoint Reader and Bonner County Daily Bee to provide analysis.
The live shows can be heard over the air at 88.5 FM, or streaming online at KRFY.org.
Aug. 30, 2016: School Plant Facilities Levy Election
On Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2016, the Lake Pend Oreille School District #84 put forth a $55,118,997.00 School Plant Facilities Reserve Fund Election question. The levy was defeated with 5,493 votes against, and 2,953 in favor. The election drew 50.5% of all registered voters in the district.
- Click to view election results summary (pdf)
- Click to view totals by precinct (pdf)
Here is what the levy would have paid for:
- Rebuild Sandpoint Middle School (Built in 1953, upgrades done in 1972)
- Rebuild Northside Elementary School (Built in 1953, upgrades done in 1980)
- Rebuild most of Washington Elementary School (Built in 1958, upgrades done in 1980)
- Rebuild the Career Technical Shop at Clark Fork Junior/Senior High School
- Add four classrooms to Sandpoint High School to replace all portable classrooms and the Art classroom.
- New track and athletic fields on SHS/SMS property to maximize use of space.
More information:
- Visit the website for supporters of the levy: VoteOurSchools.org
- Visit the website for opponents of the levy: LPOSDLevy.com
In the news:
In-person levy voting opens (Aug. 17, Bonner County Daily Bee)
Community draws battle lines over levy (Aug. 18, Sandpoint Reader)
AUDIO: Levy supporters, opponents debate (Aug. 24, 88.5 KRFY Morning Show)
Super: Facts will prevail in election (Aug. 28, Bonner County Daily Bee)
Where and when to vote:
The last day to pre-register for the August 30 election was August 5, but the State of Idaho has Election Day registration; you can still go to your polling place on Election Day, register to vote, and vote at the same time.
The last day that the Bonner County Elections Office could receive applications for mail-out absentee ballots was Aug. 24. Ballots must be received by the Elections Office by 5 p.m. Aug. 30. For further information on voting, call the Elections Office at 208-255-3631. Scroll down to Resources for Voters for more details on how and where to vote.
* View a Sample Ballot (PDF) of the School Plant Facilities Reserve Fund Levy Election *
For more details, including Facility Master Plan information and links, visit LPOSD.org.
2016 Idaho Primary Election
Idaho held its Primary Election for state and county seats on Tuesday, May 17.
Candidate Profiles & Media Coverage
Links to candidate profiles, interviews and forum webcast from local media, Sandpoint Reader, Sandpoint Online and the 88.5 KRFY Morning Show:
Candidates for County Offices
Bonner County Commissioner - District 2:
- Todd Sudick (incumbent) (R) - Website | Facebook
- Jeff Connolly (R) - Website | Facebook * WINNER *
Bonner County Commissioner - District 3:
- Dan McDonald (R) - Website | Facebook *WINNER *
- Lewis (Lewie) Rich (R)
Bonner County Sheriff
- Daryl Wheeler (incumbent) (R) - Website *WINNER *
- Terry G. Ford (R) - Website | Facebook
Bonner County Prosecuting Attorney
- Louis E. Marshall (incumbent) R
Bonner County Magistrate Judges Retention
- Debra Heise
- Lori Muellenberg
Precinct Committeemen
Committee seats are decided in primary. Click for precinct candidates.
Candidates for Idaho Legislature
Bonner County includes parts of two legislative districts. Residents of the portion of the county south of the Long Bridge east of Highway 95, including most of Sagle, are in District 7 and will vote for District 7 candidates; the rest of Bonner County and all of Boundary County are in District 1 and will vote for the District 1 candidates.
Idaho State Senate - Legislative District 1
- Steve Tanner (D)
- Shawn Keough (incumbent) (R) - Website | Facebook * WINNER *
- Glen Rohrer (R) - Website
Idaho State Senate - Legislative District 7
- Ken Meyers (D) - Facebook
- Carl G. Crabtree (R) * WINNER *
Idaho State Representative - Legislative District 1A
- Kate McAlister (D) - Website
- Heather Scott (incumbent) (R) - Website | Facebook
Idaho State Representative - Legislative District 1B
- Stephen Howlett (write-in) (D) - Facebook * WINNER *
- Bob Vickaryous (D)
- Sage Dixon (incumbent) (R) - Website | Facebook
Idaho State Representative - Legislative District 7A
- Jessica Chilcott (D) - Facebook
- Priscilla Giddings (R) - Facebook * WINNER *
- Shannon McMillan (incumbent) (R) - Facebook
Idaho State Representative - Legislative District 7B
- Paul E. Shepherd (incumbent) (R) - Website * WINNER *
- Kris L. Steneck (R) - Facebook
Candidates for U.S. Senate and House of Representatives
United States Senator
- Pro-Life (C)
- Ray J. Writz (C) * WINNER *
- Jerry Sturgill (D)
- Mike Crapo incumbent (R)
United States Representative (2 year term)
Congressional District 1
- Shizandra Fox (D)
- Staniela Nikolova (D)
- James Piotrowski (D) * WINNER *
- Gordon Counsil (R)
- Isaac M. Haugen (R)
- Raul R. Labrador incumbent (R) * WINNER *
Candidates for Idaho Judiciary
Idaho Supreme Court Justice (Decided in the Primary)
Roger Burdick's seat
- Roger Burdick
Jim Jones' seat
- Robyn Brody * WINNER *
- Sergio A. Gutierrez
- Curt McKenzie * WINNER *
- Clive J. Strong
Idaho Court of Appeals Judge (Decided in the primary)
Molly Huskey's seat
- Molly Huskey
United States President primary and caucus results
On March 22 the Democratic Caucus chose its nominee for president in the Bonner County Fairgrounds:
· Hillary Clinton
· Bernie Sanders * Winner *
On March 8 Idaho held its primary election for the Republican Party presidential nominee, and the Constitution Party presidential nominee. Results:
· Ted Cruz *Winner* - 100,928 votes (45.4%)
· Donald J. Trump - 62,466 votes (28.1%)
· Marco Rubio - 35,333 votes (15.9%)
· John Kasich - 16,515 votes (7.4%)
Sandpoint City Council & Mayor Election :: Nov. 3, 2015
Three Sandpoint City Council seats and the office of Mayor were decided in the Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2015., election. Additionally on the Nov. 3 ballot, Sandpoint approved a 1 percent sales tax to build new grandstands for Memorial Field; the tax had to be approved by a 60% majority and will sunset after five years.
Other elections in Bonner County: On Nov. 3, the city of Ponderay has a contested election for mayor, with three candidates, while there are several other city and special district elections. Scroll down for details.
Voter Registration: Any U.S. citizen who is 18 years of age and a resident of your respective city at least 30 days can register to vote. If you live in Sandpoint, you can register at the Bonner County Administration Building, 1500 Highway 2, Suite 124. In order to register to vote, you must have a photo ID (either a driver’s license or State-issued identification card). If the address on the photo ID is not your current address, you must show any document which provides proof of current residence. The deadline for registering to vote at the polls in advance of Election Day closed Oct. 9, 2015. Following that date, you may register to vote at your designated polling place on Election Day, Nov. 3, 2015.
Please contact the Bonner County Election Department at 208-255-3631 or visit Co.Bonner.Id.Us to see where you would vote. Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Where and how to vote
Where to vote. There are five different polling places in Sandpoint for the five voting precincts. Click for voting information and precinct map»
Online tool. The state's online tool can tell you where to vote. You must select Bonner County, then enter your house number, then enter only the first 3-5 letters of your street name. Go to IdahoVotes.gov»
Sample ballot. Click for sample ballot for mayor, council»
More information. Call the Bonner County Election Department at 208-255-3631.
Absentee Voting: The last day to request a ballot to vote absentee was Oct. 30, 2015. For those who picked up absentee ballots, the Bonner County Clerk must receive completed absentee ballots no later than 8 p.m. Nov. 3, 2015.
For further information, call 208-263-3310, e-mail [email protected] or fax 263-3678.
. . .
Other elections in Bonner County
Clark Fork City Council (pick two)
- Harold Hilton
- Stanley Alan Spanski
Dover Mayor
- Anne G. Shaha
Dover City Council (pick two)
- Diane Brockway
- Ruth Guthrie
East Hope Mayor
- Vernon R. Fleisher
East Hope City Council (pick three)
- Deborah Field
- John Thompson
- Trecy Carpenter
Hope Mayor
- William Breen
Hope City Council (pick two)
- Bruce Stutzke
- Larry Bledsoe
- William Percy
Kootenai Mayor
- Nancy Lewis
Kootenai City Council (pick two)
- James Macha
- Dan Schock
Northside Fire Protection District - Commissioner #1
- Tony Wuollet
- Ray D. Yaw
Oldtown Mayor
- Lonnie L. Orr
Oldtown City Council (pick two)
- Susan Jones
- Gene Scott
Ponderay Mayor
- Karen Lee Engel
- Steve R. Geiger
- Phil McNearney
Ponderay City Council (pick two)
- Gary Kunzeman
- Rick Larkin
Priest River City Council
- Douglas A. Wagner
Priest River Bond
$3.2 million Sewer Revenue Bond to help construct, improvement wastewater collection system and treatment facilities.
Spirit Lake Fire District - District 3 Commissioner
- Chuck Hodge
- Mike Sexsmith
Timberlake Fire Protection District - District 1 Commissioner
- Byron L. Burrow
- Neil Peck
West Priest Lake Fire District
Permanent tax levy override of $49,900 for the purposes of operating, equipping and maintaining the District.
West Priest Lake Fire District - District 3 Commissioner
- John Phillips
- Jim Peirone
2015 School, Library and Sewer District Elections
A number of voting districts in Bonner County will be staging elections on Tuesday, May 19, 2015, including both of the county's school districts, two libraries, two sewer districts, and the City of Kootenai.
Elections for two seats on the Lake Pend Oreille School District board of trustees will be held. There are two candidates for each of the trustee seats in Zone 1 and Zone 4.
Voters who live in Zone 1 will cast votes for either: Joel Molander (incumbent) or Kathy Rose. In Zone 4, for the trustee seat being vacated by Mindy Cameron, voters who live in the zone will choose between candidates Geraldine Lewis versus Tom Cleveland.
What zone do you live in? Below is a description of the two trustee zones with seats up for election. For more detail, download the District Zone map»
Zone 1: North of Sandpoint and east of Hwy 95, including Northside, Hope and Clark Fork communities.
Zone 4: Sagle east of Highway 95 and north of E. Dufort Road, south of Jacobson Road in Kootenai.
Trustee Candidates Zone 1
Trustee Candidates Zone 4
In other elections around Bonner County, these districts and municipalities are also staging elections May 19:
- West Bonner County School District No. 83: Trustee for Zones 1 and 5
- East Bonner County Free Library District: Two Board seats
- Bayview Water & Sewer District: Directors Nos. 4 and 5
- Ellisport Bay Sewer District: Position "E"
- City of Kootenai: Levy Increase Question
- Priest Lake Public Library: Levy Increase Question
The polls on Election Day will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; voters who live within the districts above will vote at their regular county polling precincts. Absentee voting closed May 15.
The elections office is open in the Bonner County administration building at the corner of U.S. Highway 2 and Division Avenue in Sandpoint, weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., located in Suite 124. Phone 208-255-3632, or click to the county website's election page.
For more information on voter registration and polling places, scroll down to the Resources for Voters, below.
2015 LPOSD Supplemental Levy Election
The Lake Pend Oreille School District Supplemental Levy Election will be held Tuesday, March 10, 2015.
The replacement levy is in the amount of $7,883,742 for 2016; and $7,883,742 for 2017, for a TOTAL two-year amount of $15,767,484 for fiscal years beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2017.
What will levy funds be used for? District officials say the levy:
- Funds approximately 1/3 of ALL district staff
- Funds ALL academic and athletic extracurricular activities
- Funds technology upgrades and technology staff
- Current instructional levy is the same amount, $7,883,742 for 2014-2015.
This levy replaces the expiring levy approved by voters in 2013; it is not an additional levy. The levy amount is the same as approved in 2013, with no increase. However, since the district tax base has increased somewhat since the 2013 levy was approved, the cost to most homeowners incurred by this levy will actually go down by a small amount. This is also not a permanent levy. It will last only two years; any new levy must again be approved by voters.
Projected cost to homeowners
As an example, the projected cost per month for a homeowner whose home is assessed at $200,000, with the Homeowner's Exemption:
- Current Levy: $17.92/month
- Proposed Levy in 2016: $16.25/month
- Proposed Levy in 2017: $15.50/month
For a home assessed at $200,000, this equals $1.67/month decrease from current in 2016 and a $2.42/month decrease in 2017. To see tax rates for homes valued at other amounts, click for Projected District Tax Rates chart.
Levy election resources
Where do I vote?
Questions about voting? Contact:
Michael W. Rosedale, Bonner County Clerk's Office
1500 Highway 2
Sandpoint, ID 83864
Phone: 208-255-3630 ext 1314
How do I vote absentee by mail? Voters wishing to vote absentee must submit an absentee ballot request to the Bonner County Clerk. Click to download a printable copy of the absentee ballot request form.
2014 General Election Results
Idaho helds its general election for county, statewide and federal offices on Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2014. |
Candidates for County Offices
Commissioner District 1:
- Glen Bailey (R), incumbent ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile * Winner *
- Harold Glen Rainey Sr. (I)
- Steve Johnson (D)
Commissioner District 2: (vacated by Mike Nielsen)
- Todd Sudick (R) ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile * Winner *
Clerk of the Court:
- Ann Dutson-Sater (D), incumbent ⋅ Website
- Michael Rosedale (R) ⋅ Website * Winner *
- Cheryl Piehl (R), incumbent * Winner *
- Jerry Clemons (R), incumbent * Winner *
- Kathryn “Kit” Rose (R), incumbent * Winner *
Bonner Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor:
- Herman B. Collins
- Dale VanStone
Candidates for Idaho Legislature
District 1 State Legislative Races
Idaho House Seat A: (vacated by Eric Anderson)
- Heather Scott (R) ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile * Winner *
- Laura Bry (D) ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile
Idaho House Seat B:
- Sage Dixon (R) ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile * Winner *
- Andrew Sorg (D) ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile
Idaho Senate:
- Shawn Keough (R), incumbent ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile * Winner *
- Christian Fioravanti (Constitution) ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile
District 7 State Legislative Races
State House Seat A
- Shannon McMillan (R), incumbent, of Silverton ⋅ Ballotopedia profile * Winner *
- Jessica Chilcott, (D), of Sagle ⋅ Ballotopedia profile ⋅ Democracy.com profile
State House Seat B
- Paul Shepherd (R), incumbent, of Riggins ⋅ Ballotopedia profile * Winner *
- Kenneth Murray Meyers (D), of Sagle
State Senate
- Sheryl Nuxoll (R), incumbent (lives in Cottonwood) ⋅ Website ⋅ Ballotopedia profile * Winner *
- Casey Drews (D), (lives in Osborn) ⋅ Ballotopedia profile
Non-partisan Judicial Ballot
Magistrate, First Judicial District
Retain: Lori T. Meulenberg
Magistrate, First Judicial District
Retain: Debra A. Heise
Candidates for Statewide & Federal Offices
U.S. Senate:
- Nels Mitchell (D) - Website
- Jim Risch (R), incumbent - Website * Winner *
* Click to view debate between Risch, Mitchell, Oct. 8, 2014 *
U.S. House of Representatives - 1st Congressional District:
Shirley G. Ringo (D) ⋅ Website
Raul R. Labrador (R), incumbent - Website * Winner *
- C.L. "Butch" Otter (R), incumbent ⋅Website * Winner *
- A.J. Balukoff (D) ⋅ Website
- Jill Humble (Independent)
- Steve Pankey (Constitution)
- John Bujak (Libertarian)
- Pro-Life (Independent) ⋅ Website
* Note: There are two write-in candidates for the Independent Party: Larry Allen White and Kurt M. Wertzbaugher
Lieutenant Governor:
Brad Little (R), incumbent ⋅ Website * Winner *
Bert Marley (D) ⋅ Website
Secretary of State: (vacated by Ben Ysursa)
Lawerence Denney (R) ⋅ Website * Winner *
Holli High Woodings (D) ⋅ Website
State Controller
Brandon Woolf (R), incumbent * Winner *
State Treasurer
Ron Crane (R), incumbent - Website * Winner *
Deborah Silver (D) - Website
Idaho Attorney General
Lawrence Wasden (R), incumbent - Website * Winner *
Bruce Bistline (D)
Superintendent of Public Instruction (Tom Luna retiring)
Sherri Ybarra (R) - Website * Winner *
Jana Jones (D) - Website
Bonner County Questions for Nov. 4 Election
Westside Fire Protection District
Shall the Westside Fire Protection District be authorized to increase its budget from property tax beyond the 3 percent authorized by Idaho Statute 63-802, by an additional one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) per year, for the purpose of providing minimal staffing by hiring three firefighters and provide for the purchase of required firefighter safety equipment? * Approved *
City of Sandpoint
Shall the City of Sandpoint, Bonner County, Idaho, adopt the proposed ordinance providing for imposition and collection, for a period of Ten (10) years from its effective date, certain non-property taxes as follows:
A 7% hotel/motel room occupancy tax on all short term (30 or fewer days) rental charges for hotel rooms, motel rooms, condominium units, tourist homes, bed and breakfast establishments, and similar facilities.
Revenue for the 7% hotel/motel room occupancy tax, anticipated to be $250,000, will be used in the following ways:
a.) City infrastructure and capital projects.
b.) Street overlays, sidewalk repair, extension and replacement, and additional bike paths.
c.) Public safety services.
d.) Public parks operations.
e.) Property Tax Relief Fund. Per Idaho Code, any excess revenue received will be placed in a designated property tax relief fund.
f.) Administrative costs. The City will retain the actual cost of collecting and administering the tax.
* Approved *
KRFY Local Decision 2014 podcasts
Radio 88.5 KRFY has aired a series covering contested local races each Tuesday at 8 a.m. Click to listen to recorded broadcasts:
- Nov. 4: Election Day recap. Interview with Bonner County Daily Bee Publisher David Keyes, discussing candidates and issues as voters head to the polls. Click to hear recorded podcast.
- Oct. 28: Bonner County Clerk. Interview with candidates Ann Dutson-Sater (D) and Michael Rosedale (R). Click to hear recorded podcast.
- Oct. 21: Idaho District 1 Senate. Interview with candidates Christian Fioravanti (Constitution) and Shawn Keough (R). Click to hear recorded podcast.
- Oct. 14: District 1 House Seat B. Race is between Andrew Sorg (D) and Sage Dixon (R). Dixon declined to participate in broadcast. Click to hear recorded podcast.
- Oct. 7: District 1 House Seat A. Race is between Laura Bry (D) and Heather Scott (R). Scott declined to participate in broadcast. Click to hear recorded podcast.
- Sept. 30: Bonner County Commissioner District 1. Race is between Glen Bailey (R) and Steve Johnson (D). Johnson did not participate. Click to hear recorded podcast.
2014 Primary Election
Idaho held its primary election for county and statewide offices on Tuesday, May 20.
RESULTS: Candidates for County Offices
Commissioner District 1:
- Glen Bailey (R), incumbent ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile * Winner *
- Marcia Phillips (R) ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile
- Patricia Palmer (R) ⋅ Candidate Profile not returned
- Steve Johnson (D)
- Harold Rainey (I)
Commissioner District 2: (vacated by Mike Nielsen)
- Todd Sudick (R) ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile * Winner *
- Victoria Zeischegg (R) ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile
Clerk of the Court:
- Ann Dutson-Sater (D), incumbent ⋅ Website
- Michael Rosedale (R) ⋅ Website
- Cheryl Piehl (R), incumbent
- Jerry Clemons (R), incumbent
- Kathryn “Kit” Rose (R), incumbent
Candidates for Idaho Legislature
District 1 State Legislative Races
Idaho House Seat A: (vacated by Eric Anderson)
- Heather Scott (R) ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile * Winner *
- Stephen Snedden (R) ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile
- Laura Bry (D) ⋅ Candidate profile not returned
- Steve Tanner (D) ⋅ Candidate Profile
Idaho House Seat B:
- George Eskridge (R), incumbent ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile not returned
- Sage Dixon (R) ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile * Winner *
- Andrew Sorg (D) ⋅ Candidate Profile not returned
- Bob Vickaryous (D) ⋅ Candidate Profile not returned
Idaho Senate:
- Shawn Keough (R), incumbent ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile * Winner *
- Danielle Ahrens (R) ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile not returned
- Christian Fioravanti (Constitution) ⋅ Website ⋅ Candidate Profile
- Jack Mervin (Constitution) ⋅ Candidate Profile not returned
District 7 State Legislative Races
State House Seat A
- Shannon McMillan (R), incumbent, of Silverton * Winner *
- Shauna Hillman (R), of Wallace ⋅ Website
- Jessica Chilcott, (D), of Sagle
State House Seat B
- Paul Shepherd (R), incumbent, of Riggins
- Kenneth Murray Meyers (D), of Sagle
State Senate
- Sheryl Nuxoll (R), incumbent (lives in Cottonwood) ⋅ Website
- Casey Drews (D), (lives in Osborn)
Candidates for Statewide & Federal Offices
U.S. Senate:
- William Bryk (D)
- Nels Mitchell (D)
- Jeremy "T" Anderson (R)
- Jim Risch (R), incumbent * Winner *
U.S. House of Representatives - 1st Congressional District:
Ryan Andrew Barone (D)
Shirley G. Ringo (D) ⋅ Website
Sean Blackwell (R)
Michael Greenway (R)
Raul R. Labrador (R), incumbent * Winner *
Lisa Marie (R)
Reed C. McCandless (R)
- C.L. "Butch" Otter (R), incumbent ⋅Website * Winner *
- Russ Fulcher (R) ⋅ Website
- A.J. Balukoff (D) ⋅ Website
- Pro-Life Richardson (Independent) ⋅ Website
Lieutenant Governor:
Brad Little (R), incumbent ⋅ Website * Winner *
Jim Chmelik (R) ⋅ Website
Bert Marley (D) ⋅ Website
Secretary of State: (vacated by Ben Ysursa)
Lawerence Denney (R) ⋅ Website * Winner *
Evan Frasure (R) ⋅ Website
Phil McGrane (R) ⋅ Website
Mitch Toryanski (R) ⋅ Website
Holli High Woodings (D) ⋅ Website
State Controller
Brandon Woolf (R), incumbent * Winner *
Todd Hatfield (R)
State Treasurer
Ron Crane (R), incumbent * Winner *
Deborah Silver (R)
W. Lane Startin (D)
Idaho Attorney General
Lawrence Wasden (R), incumbent * Winner *
C.T. "Chris" Troupis (R)
Bruce Bistline (D)
Superintendent of Public Instruction (Tom Luna retiring)
John Eynon (R)
Andy Grover (R)
Randy Jensen (R)
Sherri Ybarra (R) * Winner *
Jana Jones (D)
Supreme Court Justice - decided at the Primary Election
Joel Horton, incumbent * Winner *
Breck Seiniger ⋅ Website
Court of Appeals Judge - decided at the Primary Election
Sergio A. Gutierrez
-- View podcasts of the April 9 Daily Bee-SHS Cedar Post candidates' forum for county and state legislative races, provided in two parts. Click on the images at right, or go to Forum Part 1 (84 minutes) or Forum Part 2 (52 minutes). Videos by Sandpoint videographer Chuck Smith.
New: KRFY 88.5 FM aired an Election Day primer with a review of candidates and issues by pundits Dan McDonald and Bob Wynhausen. Go hear KRFY podcast»

2013 Sandpoint City Elections
Three of the 4-year City Council positions were up for election Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2013. Voter turnout in the City of Sandpoint was 24 percent.
Area City Elections
Ponderay has two council seats:
- Steve Geiger (Incumbent)
- John Darling (Incumbent) *Winner*
- Karen Engel *Winner*
East Hope has two 4-year council seats and a mayoral election:
- Vernon Fleisher (Incumbent) *Winner*
4-year seats
- Thomas Grimm (Incumbent) *Winner*
- Eileen Klatt (Incumbent) *Winner*
- Ron Seay
Kootenai has two council seats available:
- David Sundquist for Seat 1 (Council incumbent running unopposed) *Winner*
- Crystal Closson for Seat 3 (Council incumbent running unopposed) *Winner*
Clark Fork has two council seats and the mayoral office up for election:
- Chris Riggins *Winner*
Two council seats:
- Russell Schenck (Incumbent) *Winner*
- Sharon Jeffers *Winner*
- Lynn Reese
- Glenn Geignetter
- Steve Spanski
Click for full results on the Bonner County Election page.
Election topics in the News:
- Candidates debate issues at forum; Oct. 23, 2013 (Bonner County Daily Bee)
- Bonner County cities flush with elections; Oct. 9, 2013 (Bonner County Daily Bee)
- Council races packed with candidates; Sept. 11, 2013 (Bonner County Daily Bee)
- Deadline nears for city races; Sept. 5, 2013 (Bonner County Daily Bee)
Library, School and Sewer District Elections 2013
Bonner County conducted six elections on behalf of library, sewer and school districts on Tuesday, May 21, 2013.
East Bonner County Library Trustee: Two seats
Registered voters within the East Bonner County Library Taxing District are eligible to vote for two of the four following candidates; click candidate's name for profile:
Voting will be in the eastern Bonner County precincts of Airport, Algoma, Baldy, Careywood, Clark Fork, Cocolalla, Colburn, Dover, Edgemere, Gamlin Lake, Grouse Creek, Hope, Humbird, Kelso, Kootenai, Laclede, Lakeview, Oden, Sagle, Sandpoint, Selle, Southside, Washington, Westmond, and Wrenco.
- - -
Lake Pend Oreille School District No. 84, Zone 5 Trustee: One seat
Registered voters within the Lake Pend Oreille School District No. 84, Zone 5 are eligible to vote for one of the following two candidates:
Voting will be in precincts of Dover, Humbird, Kootenai, Sandpoint, and Washington.
- - -
West Bonner County School District No. 83 Maintenance and Operations Levy
Registered Voters within the West Bonner County School Taxing District No. 83 are eligible to vote In Favor or Against this levy question:
Shall the Board of Trustees of West Bonner County School District No. 83, be authorized and empowered to levy a Maintenance and Operations Levy, as permitted by law in the amount of $3,000,000 for the purpose of paying all lawful expenses of maintaining and operating the schools of the district for the year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014?
In Favor: 711
Against: 488
This district falls within the voting precincts of Blue Lake, East Priest River, Edgemere, Laclede, Lamb Creek, Oldtown, Priest Lake, Priest River West City, Spirit Valley, and West Priest River Bench.
- - -
West Bonner County School District No. 83, Zone 2 Trustee
Registered voters within the West Bonner County School Taxing District No. 83, Zone 2 are eligible to vote for one of the following three candidates:
Peggylee A. Smith
Drew McLain * Winner
Joseph L. English
This zone falls within the voting precincts of Oldtown, Priest River West City, and West Priest River Bench.
- - -
West Bonner County School District No. 83, Zone 4 Trustee
Registered voters within the West Bonner County School Taxing District No. 83, Zone 4 are eligible to vote for one of the following two candidates:
Leonard Parenteau
Sandra Lee Brower * Winner
This zone falls within the voting precincts of East Priest River, Laclede, and Priest River West City.
- - -
Kalispell Bay Sewer District Board Member: Two seats
Registered voters within the Kalispell Bay Sewer Taxing District are eligible to vote for the following candidates:
David E. Conboy * Winner
James W. Anderson
Gary Rudie * Winner
Timothy Ventress
This district falls within the Lamb Creek voting precinct.
- - -
Election topics in the news:
2013 LPOSD Supplemental Levy Election
The Lake Pend Oreille School District Supplemental Levy Election held Tuesday, March 12, 2013, passed with 2,626 in favor (58.3%) and 1,876 opposed (41.7%).
The replacement levy is in the amount of $7,883,742 each year for two years, for a TOTAL two-year amount of $15,767,484 for fiscal years beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2015.
Projected Cost Per Incremental Valuation Table for Taxpayers
Two-year Total = $15,767,484
* $7,883,742 in year one
* $7,883,742 in year two
Beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2015
- Funds approximately 1/3 of ALL district staff
- Funds ALL academic and athletic extracurricular activities
- Funds technology upgrades and technology staff
- Current instructional levy was $6,823,213 for 2012-2013 compared to the Replacement Levy, to be $7,883,742 each year for 2 years.
This new levy replaces the old levy; it is not an additional levy.
- A home with an assessed valuation of $200,000 with homeowner's exemption currently pays $14.99/month; the replacement levy would be $3.68 increase/month.
- LPOSD has the lowest tax rate in North Idaho, which is 53 percent below the state average.
- State revenues for education have declined significantly for several years.
Pros and Cons
• Pro: Levy is the best use of $20 you'll find (Daily Bee letter to the editor Feb. 17, 2013)
• Con: "No" vote needed to end the non-stop increases (Daily Bee letter to the editor Feb. 17, 2013
Levy election stories from regional media
• Voters approve LPOSD supplemental levy, March 13, 2013 (Bonner County Daily Bee)
• Superintendent tackles replacement levy questions, March 3, 2013 (Bonner County Daily Bee)
• LPOSD: Permanent levy rumors untrue, Feb. 20, 2013 (Bonner County Daily Bee)
• LPOSD OKs $7.8 million levy proposal, Dec. 13, 2012 (Bonner County Daily Bee)
Election Resources
* Citizens for Better Schools website
* Lake Pend Oreille School District website
* Where do I vote? - Click here to find out.
* Questions about voting? - Contact:
Marie Scott, Bonner County Clerk's Office
Attn: Charlie Wurm, Head of Elections
1500 Highway 2
Sandpoint, ID 83864
Phone: 255-3630 ext 1314
* How do I vote absentee by mail? - Submit an Absentee Ballot Request to Bonner County Clerk. Absentee Ballot Request Form:
- Be a registered voter before February 15
- Fill out and sign Absentee Ballot Request Form
- Request form to be received by Bonner County Clerk by March 6 at 5 p.m.
- March 8 at 5 p.m. is the last day for in person absentee ballot applications at the Bonner County Clerk's Office
- Return ballot to Bonner County Clerk by 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 12 (Election Day)
2012 Idaho General Election
The Idaho General Election was held Nov. 6, 2012.
Local Ballot Measures City of Ponderay - Local Option Sales TaxProposes a half cent sales tax with revenues to be used for specified projects only. Tax can run only 5 years unless re-approved by voters. Only those voters who vote in the Kootenai Precinct and who reside within the corporate city limits of Ponderay are eligible to vote on this question.
City of Sandpoint - Local Option Sales Tax
Proposes a half cent sales tax with all revenues dedicated to replacement of the Memorial Field grandstands. Tax can run only 5 years unless re-approved by voters. Only those voters who vote in the following precincts and who reside within the corporate city limits of Sandpoint are eligible to vote on this question: Airport - Baldy - Humbird - Sandpoint - Washington *Rejected*
West Priest Lake Fire District - Two Year Override Levy
Only those voters who reside within the boundaries of the fire district and who vote at the Lamb Creek Precinct are eligible to vote on this question. *Rejected*
Bonner County Candidates
Commissioner, District One:
- Joyce Broadsword (R) - Facebook • Candidate statement *Winner*
- Steve Johnson (I) - Facebook • Candidate statement
Commissioner, District Three:
- Cary Kelly (R) - Website • Candidate statement *Winner*
- Lewis Rich, incumbent (Write-in) - Website • Candidate statement
Prosecuting Attorney:
- Tevis W Hull (I) - Facebook • Candidate statement
- Louis Marshall, incumbent (R) - Website • Candidate statement *Winner*
- Michael Waldrup (I) - Facebook • Candidate statement
- Rocky Jordan (C) - Website • Facebook • Candidate statement
- Daryl Wheeler, incumbent (R) - Website • Candidate statement *Winner*
Legislative Candidates
Legislative District 1
State Senator
- Shawn A. Keough, incumbent (R) - Website • Facebook • VoteSmart profile *Winner*
State Representative, Position A
- Andrew C. Sorg (D) - Facebook
- Eric Anderson, incumbent (R) - VoteSmart profile *Winner*
State Representative, Position B
- George E. Eskridge, incumbent (R) - Website • VoteSmart profile *Winner*
Legislative District 7
State Senator
- Sheryl L. Nuxoll (R) *Winner*
- Jon Contamessa (I)
State Representative, Position A
- Shannon McMillan (R) *Winner*
- Casey Drews (D)
State Representative, Position B
- Paul E. Shepherd (R) *Winner*
- Nancy M. Lerandeau (D)
Non-Partisan Judicial Ballot
Shall Magistrate Barbara be retained in office? *Yes*
Idaho Ballot Measures
Idaho Constitutional Amendments
SJR 102 - State Board of Corrections Shall Manage Adult Felony Probation and Parole *Yes*
HJR 2aa - The Rights to Hunt, Fish & Trap To Be Preserved *Yes*
• Spokesman-Review: Idaho to vote on measure to hunt, fish, trap
• Pro: Idaho Fish and Game Commission supports measure (PDF)
• Con: Common sense needed in wildlife management
Education reform: Propositions 1, 2, 3
- Proposition #1: Limits Negotiated Contracts and Eliminates Automatic Renewal Contracts for Teachers *No*
- Proposition #2: Limits Affect of Legislation on Teacher Performance Pay Based on Certain Criteria *No*
- Proposition #3: Limits Affect of Legislation Amending School Funding for Computing Devices, Online Courses *No*
Visit BallotPedia.org for more details on the five ballot questions, above.
U.S., Idaho Elections
U.S. President
Seat currently held by President Obama
- Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson (I)
- Virgil H. Goode (C)
- Gary Johnson (L)
- Barack Obama (D) *Winner*
- Mitt Romney (R)
- Jill Stein (I)
U.S. House of Representatives - First District
Seat currently held by Representative Raúl Labrador
- Jimmy Farris (D)
- Raúl R. Labrador (R) *Winner*
- Rob Oates (L)
- Pro-Life (I)
Party designations: C = Constitution; D = Democrat; I = Independent; L = Libertarian; R = Republican
Candidate and election stories from regional media
- River Journal: Hear from candidates in contested elections (Oct. 13, 2012)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Democrats drop out of District 1 races (Sept. 21, 2012)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Lewis Rich to run as write-in for commission seat (Aug. 30, 2012)
- River Journal: Commission, legislative candidates contest issues (May 11, 2012)
- MENAFN: Avista gives cash to unseat Keough, Eskridge (May 10, 2012)
- Spokesman-Review: North Idaho legislative primary rivalry heats up (May 10, 2012)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Pro-business groups fund incumbents (May 8, 2012)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Rasor seeks re-election to board (April 5, 2012)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Tevis Hull running for prosecutor (March 18, 2012)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Legislative races taking shape (March 10, 2012)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Bonner County incuments face challengers (March 10, 2012)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Caucus dates March 6 for GOP; April 14 for Dems (Feb. 18, 2012)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Donna Capurso seeks state House seat (Feb. 10, 2012)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Joyce Broadsword to vie for District 1 commissioner (Feb. 9, 2012)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Closed GOP primary actually fairly open (Feb. 2, 2012)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Proposed legislative redistricting splits Bonner County (Feb. 1, 2012)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Kelly resigns county job to challenge Rich (Jan 18, 2012)
- Candidate website: Cary Kelly announces for District 3 commission seat
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Ahrens, Stout declare candidacies (Jan 15, 2012)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: BCSO lieutenant lobs GOP challenge (Jan. 4, 2012)
2011 Sandpoint City Elections
The Sandpoint Mayor's position and three of the 4-year City Council positions were up for election on Nov. 8, 2011.
Candidates for Mayor
- Mose "Mo" Dunkel (Dunkel is his own campaign treasurer) Website • Facebook • Profile
- Allen Hacker (Hacker is his own campaign treasurer) Website • Facebook • Blog • Profile
- Marsha Ogilvie (campaign treasurer Lynne Burns) • Profile *Winner*
Candidates for City Council
- Thomas C. Eddy (Eddy is his own campaign treasurer) • Profile *Winner*
- Carrie Logan (incumbent; campaign treasurer Stephen Snedden) • Profile *Winner*
- Aaron Qualls (campaign treasurer Cate Huisman) Website • Facebook • Profile *Winner*
- Jeff Littlefield (Littlefield is his own treasurer; he has declined to return a profile questionnaire)
Election stories, related stories and resources
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Candidates look to future (Nov. 10, 2011)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Ogilvie, Curless, Kunzeman win mayors' seats (Nov. 9, 2011)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Candidates discuss trail, economy at forum (Oct. 27, 2011)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Three file for mayor, four for council seats (Sept. 14, 2011)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Councilwoman Carrie Logan seeks second term (Aug. 11, 2011)
- Bonner County Daily Bee: Marsha Ogilvie announces run for mayor's seat (July 12, 2011)
Polling places
Polling places will be held at the following Bonner County precincts, open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day:
- Airport - Bonner County Extension Office
- Baldy - Farmin Elementary School
- Humbird - Sandpoint United Methodist Church
- Sandpoint - Community Hall
- Washington - Washington Elementary School
2011 Ponderay City Elections
The Ponderay Mayor's position and two City Council positions were up for election on Nov. 8, 2011.
Candidates for Ponderay Mayor
- Current Mayor Carol Kunzeman *Winner*
- Councilman Steve Geiger
Candidates for Ponderay City Council
- Councilwoman Jody Moreland *Winner*
- Planning and Zoning member Lawson Tate
- Councilman Rick Larkin *Winner*
- Former councilwoman Sherry Blood
Polling location
Polling will be held from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 8 at Cedar Hills Church, 227 McGhee Rd., Kootenai. For questions, call Ponderay City Hall from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday at 208-265-5468.
Election stories, related stories and resources
2011 Dover City Elections
The Dover Mayor's position and two City Council positions were up for election on Nov. 8, 2011.
Candidates for Dover Mayor
- Randy Curless *Winner*
- Jason Funk
Candidates for Dover City Council
- Jim Janish
- Marguerite “Peggy” Burge *Winner*
- Bruce Pederson
- Anne Shaha *Winner*
- Denise Travis
- Dwayne Parsons
Polling location
Polling will be held from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 8 at the Baldy, Dover and Washington precincts (Farmin Elementary, Dover City Hall, Washington Elementary)
Election stories, related stories and resources
LPOSD Replacement Instructional Supplemental Levy 2011
Voters passed the Lake Pend Oreille School District's replacement Supplemental/Instructional Levy with 3,577 yes votes, and 2,163 no votes, in polling March 8, 2011.
- Click to view how each precinct voted (56KB pdf)
Levy details
- Total amount to be levied over two years is $13,646,624
- $6,823,312 in year one
- $6,823,312 in year two
- Funds 1/3 of all district staff, all academic and athletic extracurricular activities, all curriculum materials, and funds technology upgrades and technology staff
- Current instructional levy is $6,350,000 for 2010
- New levy replaces the old levy; it is not added on top
- A home with an assessed valuation of $250,000 with the homeowner’s exemption currently pays $16.75/month. The replacement levy is a $3.44/month increase.
Levy election stories, related stories and resources
Letters to the Editor - Pros and Cons
- Pro: Levy is reasonable and responsible (March 4, 2011)
- Maybe: Cheaper options should have been considered (March 3, 2011)
- Pro: Make a choice to support students (March 3, 2011)
- Con: Defeat the levy and make changes (Feb. 28, 2011)
- Pro: Levy is way to make meaningful difference (Feb. 22, 2011)
- Con: District should do more with less (Feb. 17, 2011)
- Pro: Now not the time to stop supporting kids (Feb. 17, 2011)
- Pro: Levy proposal is a necessity, not a luxury (Feb. 10, 2011)
- Con: Levy as structured? No vote is justified (Feb. 10, 2011)
General Election 2010
The Idaho general election was held Tuesday, November 2, 2010.
Candidates for Bonner County offices
County residents vote for all open positions.
County Commissioner, District 2
Brian E. Orr, (D) • Profile • Website
Mike A. Nielsen, (R) • Profile • Website
County Commissioner, District 3
Mel Davis, (D) • Profile • Website
Lewis Rich, (R) incumbent • Profile • Website
Clerk of the District Court
Marie Scott, (D) incumbent • Profile
Bud Mueller, (R) • Profile
Jerry Clemons, (R) incumbent • Profile • Website
Kathryn "Kitt" Rose, (R) incumbent
Cheryl Piehl, (R) incumbent • Profile
Video of the Candidates' Forum
View video clips from the Candidates' Forum on Oct. 19 in the Panida via: Sandpoint Online's Channel on YouTube.
Candidates for State Legislature
County residents vote for candidates in their district. Most of Bonner County lies within Legislative District 1, which extends north to also include all of Boundary County. Nine southern precincts of Bonner County lie within Legislative District 2, which extends south to include much of Kootenai and all of both Shoshone and Benewah counties.
Legislative District 1 – Senator
Shawn A. Keough, (R) incumbent • Profile • Website • Voting Record
Legislative District 1 – Representative, Position A
Eric Anderson, (R) incumbent • Website • Voting Record
Legislative District 1 – Representative, Position B
George E. Eskridge, (R) incumbent • Website • Voting Record
Legislative District 2 - Senator
Joyce Broadsword, (R) incumbent • Website • Voting Record
Legislative District 2 - Representative, Position A
Mary Lou Shepherd, (D) incumbent • Voting Record
Shannon McMillan, (R)
Legislative District 2 - Representative, Position B
Jon Ruggles, (D)
Dick Harwood, (R) incumbent • Voting Record
Candidates for U.S. Offices
County residents vote for all open positions.
U.S. Senator
P. Tom Sullivan, (D) • Website
Mike Crapo, (R) incumbent • Website
U.S. Representative - District 1
Walt Minnick, (D) incumbent • Website
Raul R. Labrador, (R) • Website
Candidates for Statewide Office
County residents vote for all open positions.
Keith Allred, (D) • Website
C.L. "Butch" Otter, (R) incumbent • Website
Lieutenant Governor
Eldon Wallace, (D)
Brad Little, (R) incumbent
Secretary of State
Mack Sermon, (D)
Ben Ysursa, (R) incumbent
State Controller
Donna M. Jones, (R) incumbent
Bruce Robinett, (D)
State Treasurer
Ron G. Crane, (R) incumbent
Attorney General
Lawrence G. Wasden, (R) incumbent • Website
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Stan Olson, (D) • Website
Tom Luna, (R) incumbent • Website
Non-Partisan Judicial Ballots
Supreme Court
To succeed Jim Jones
- Jim Jones
To succeed Roger Burdick
- Roger Burdick
Court of Appeals
To succeed Karen Lansing
- Karen Lansing
District Court Judges
All 5 northern counties vote in these contests shown below:
To succeed Fred M. Gibler
- Fred M. Gibler
To succeed Lansing L. Haynes
- Lansing L. Haynes
To succeed John Patrick Luster
- John Patrick Luster
To succeed John T. Mitchell
- John T. Mitchell
To succeed Steven C. Verby
- Steven C. Verby
Ballot questions from Local Taxing Districts:
There are four ballot questions from local taxing districts that will be voted on by residents within those districts. Voters will be asked to vote YES or NO on these questions:
- Sam Owen Fire District - Trestle Creek Annexation - needs 50 percent + 1 Yes Vote to Pass
- West Bonner County Library District - Bond Election - needs 66 2/3 percent to pass
- West Bonner County Library District - Levy Election - needs 66 2/3 percent to pass
- City of Ponderay Bed Tax - Needs 50 percent + 1 Yes vote to pass
Proposed Constitutional Amendments
Four constitutional amendments will appear on the November 2, 2010 ballot.
- S.J.R. 101 - Clarifies that the Board of Regents of the University of Idaho may charge students tuition, as authorized by law.
- H.J.R. 4 - Allows public hospitals to acquire facilities, equipment, technology and real property through a variety of means that aid the public hospital operations, as long as the acquisitions are paid for solely from charges, rents or payments derived from the existing or financed facilities and are not funded by property taxes.
- H.J.R. 5 - Allows local governmental entities that operate airports and regional airport authorities to issue revenue and special facility bonds to acquire, construct, install and equip land, facilities, buildings, projects or other property.
- H.J.R. 7 - This proposed amendment has two parts. The first part allows any city owning a municipal electric system to acquire, construct, install and equip electrical generating, transmission and distribution facilities for the purpose of supplying electricity to customers within its service area. The second part allows any city owning a municipal electric system to enter into agreements to purchase, share, exchange or transmit wholesale electricity to customers within its service area, without voter approval.
- Read more about these proposed amendments by reading the Bonner County Daily Bee article "Constitutional Amendments on Nov. 2 ballot," Oct. 12, 2010
- Click to view the Idaho Voters’ Pamphlet (1.63 MB pdf), which contains information concerning the four constitutional amendments appearing on the Nov. 2 ballot. The pamphlet contains the ballot questions, the statements of meaning, purpose and results to be accomplished, as well as statements for and against each proposed amendment.
Election stories and resources
2009 Sandpoint City Election
The City of Sandpoint will hold an election for four council positions on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2009. Voters will see three new names on the ballot, as well as three incumbents for three four-year positions; incumbent John Reuter is running uncontested for the lone two-year seat. Additionally, voters will decide a $17 million bond proposal to expand the city water treatment plant. Voting will be 8 a.m.-8 p.m. at Sandpoint City Hall, and absentee ballots may be cast until 5 p.m. Nov. 2.
*ELECTION RESULTS*: Challengers sweep incumbents; water plant bond passes. Click for results.
Candidates for 4-year seats
Michael Boge (incumbent) • Candidate profile
Jamie Davis • Candidate profile • Website • WINNER
Helen M. Newton (incumbent) • Candidate profile • Website
Marsha Ogilvie • Candidate profile • Website • WINNER
John O'Hara (incumbent by appointment) • Candidate profile
Justin W. Schuck • Candidate profile • Website • WINNER
Candidate for 2-year seat
John T. Reuter (incumbent by appointment) • Candidate profile • Website • WINNER
Special Water Plant Bond Election
Sandpoint voters approved a $17 million water bond measure during the Nov. 3 election. 763 votes (68%) were in favor, and 367 votes (32%) were opposed. This bond pays for the addition of an immersed membrane filtration process, a larger raw water transmission pipeline and rehabilitation of the plant’s chemical and operations buildings. It will also allow the lake plant to improve its output of 3-3.5 million gallons of water per day to at least 10 million gallons.
Election stories and resources
2009 Ponderay City Election
The City of Ponderay will hold an election for two council positions on Tuesday, Nov. 3. Voters will see two new names on the ballot, as well as two incumbents. Voting will be at the Ponderay City Hall, 288 4th Street, from noon-8 p.m.
City Council Candidates
Sherry Blood (incumbent)
John Darling • WINNER
Jesse DeMers
Steve Geiger Jr. (incumbent) • WINNER
Election stories and resources
LPOSD Replacement Instructional Supplemental Levy 2009
Residents of the Lake Pend Oreille School District, encompassing the eastern portion of Bonner County, approved a Replacement Instructional Supplemental Levy. The levy passed with 59.5% approval.
Levy details
The two-year total for the levy is $10,950,000, with $4,600,000 collected in year one, and $6,350,000 in year two.
Levy election stories, related stories and resources
Bonner County Juvenile Justice Facility Override Levy 2009
Bonner County voters rejected a $6.6 million, 2-year override levy to pay for the design and construction of a 32-bed juvenile justice facility. The vote was held on Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2009.
Levy details
The cost of the juvenile detention facility itself is estimated at $3.8 million. The other $2.8 million is for design, engineering, infrastructure and project management. The cost of the levy will be based on the net assessed value of your property.
Levy election stories
County, State and National Elections 2008
Bonner County voters turned out in record numbers, including absentee ballot voting, to elect several county officials this year, as well as Idaho state legislators for Legislative Districts 1 and 2, and president of the United States.
• For county election results, click here.
• For state election results, click here.
• Plus, to see a rundown on national results, go to USA Today.
Candidates for Bonner County offices
All county residents vote for all candidates regardless of district. Click links to see information about each candidate.
County Commissioner, District 1
Todd J. Crossett, (D) incumbent • Website
Cornel Rasor, (R) • Website • WINNER
County Commissioner, District 2
Joe Young, (R) incumbent • Profile • WINNER
Brian Orr, (D) • Profile
Bonner County Sheriff
Daryl Wheeler, (R) • Website • WINNER
Larry Hanna, (D) • Profile
Louis Marshall, (R) • Profile • WINNER
Candidates for State Legislature
County residents vote for candidates in their district. Most of Bonner County lies within Legislative District 1, which extends north to also include all of Boundary County. Nine southern precincts of Bonner County lie within Legislative District 2, which extends south to include much of Kootenai and all of both Shoshone and Benewah counties.
Legislative District 1 – Senator
Shawn A. Keough, (R) incumbent • Website • WINNER
Legislative District 1 – Representative, Position A
Eric Anderson, (R) incumbent • Website • WINNER
Steve Elgar, (D) • Website
Legislative District 1 – Representative, Position B
George E. Eskridge, (R) incumbent • Website • WINNER
Tom Hollingsworth, (D) • Website
Legislative District 2 - Senator
Joyce Broadsword, (R) incumbent • Website • WINNER
Rand C. Lewis (D) • Profile
Legislative District 2 - Representative, Position A
Mary Lou Shepherd, (D) incumbent • Website • WINNER
Legislative District 2 - Representative, Position B
R.J. "Dick" Harwood, (R) incumbent • WINNER
C.J. Rose, (D) • Website
Candidates for Statewide Office
County residents vote for all open positions.
U.S. Senate
Larry LaRocco, (D) • Website
Pro-Life, (I) • Website
Rex Rammell, (I) • Website
Kent A. Marmon, (L) • Website
Jim Risch, (R) • Website • WINNER
Congressional District One
Bill Sali, (R) incumbent • Website
Walt Minnick, (D) • Website • WINNER
Supreme Court Justice
(to succeed Joel D. Horton)
Joel D. Horton
(to succeed Warren E. Jones)
Warren E. Jones
Appellate Court Judge
(to succeed Sergio A. Gutierrez)
Sergio A. Gutierrez
Candidates for U.S. President
John McCain, (R) • Website
Barack Obama (D) • Website • WINNER
Bob Barr (Libertarian) • Website
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution Party) • Website
Ralph Nader (Independent) • Website
Candidates Forum Reprise
Candidates Forum reprise. Watch the recorded webcase of the Oct. 28 local candidates forum at the Panida Theater. The forum included all candidates for local offices - sheriff, commissioner, prosectuor as well as District 1 Legislature - answering questions posed by the audience. Click now to log on to webcast. (Notes: Click the small screenshot under "Keokee Video Clips" to start. This unedited video includes nine minutes of pre-forum footage before candidates begin speaking; you can forward the clip past that. There's also an 11-minute stretch during candidates' opening remarks, from about 18 minutes to 29 minutes, for which sound was lost; you can forward past that as well.) Forum was moderated by Karl Dye of the Bonner County Economic Development Corp, and sponsored by SandpointOnline.com and Blue Sky Broadcasting. Click to read more. 208-263-3573
Sarah Palin - McCain's pick for vice president born in Sandpoint
2008 Presidential Elections
How do the candidates for U.S. president stack up on positions important to you? Here are tools to help narrow the field to candidates that think like you:
- ElectoralCompass.com. The website ElectoralCompass.com asks three questions about each of 12 different issues, then shows which candidate has positions closest to yours. Click on candidate's photos to compare their positions to your answers.
- SelectSmart.com. Check the American Presidential Selector take a 26-question quiz and see which candidates most closely share your views and values.
- USAToday Candidate matcher. This 11-question Candidate Match Game will match you to candidates on seven major issues. On the results screen you can mouse over the bars to see details on candidate positions.
- Truth-O-Meter. The website PolitiFact.com, sponsored by the St. Petersburg Times and Congressional Quarterly, evaluates the truth and accuracy of what candidates are saying in their campaigns.
- Check their facts. At the website FactCheck.org, there are resources to fact-check candidates' statements and advertising. Provided by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania.
- Campaign discourse. Two avowed independent websites that illuminate the national campaigns in different ways include Politico.com and RealClearPolitics.com.
2008 Presidential Primaries
Republican primary. The Republican Party presidential delegates were chosen through the traditional Presidential Preference Primary Election on Tuesday, May 27, 2008, with Sen. John McCain winning statewide. In Bonner County, McCain tallied 2950 votes to the only only remaining opponent on the ballot, Ron Paul, who received 1427 votes; 423 voted for "none of the names shown.. For more information from the local GOP, click to Republicans-Bonner-County.com or call 208-290-2249.
Bonner County Democratic Caucus. Bonner County Democrats held their Presidential Caucus at the Panida Theater on May 5, with an overflow crowd of more than 600 filling the building. The local caucus gave overwhelming support to Sen. Barak Obama, electing 11 of its 13 delegates to the state convention in his favor; the remaining two delegates were elected for Sen. Hillary Clinton. Democrats also voted during the May 27 primary, but all delegates in Idaho are awarded based on the caucus results, not the popular vote. The13 delegates from Bonner County attended the state Democratic Convention June 12 in Boise, where Obama collected about 80 percent of the Idaho delegates pledged to support him at the national Democratic Convention, to be held Aug. 25-28 in Boulder, Colo. Local information at BonnerDemocrats.org.
School District Levy & Trustee Election Results 2008
Residents of the Lake Pend Oreille School District, encompassing the eastern portion of Bonner County, voted May 20, 2008 on a proposed $14.1 million plant facilities levy, as well as two seats on the Board of Trustees.
Trustee election: Two trustee seats, for Zones 2 and 3, were up for election. The declared candidates are:
Zone 2 candidates
Vickie Pfeiffer, incumbent • Click for Candidate profile • Story • Winner
Anna Largen • Candidate has declined to return profile questionnaire
Zone 3 candidate
Joan Fish, incumbent, is unopposed • Click for Candidate profile
Plant facilities levy: Voters approved the levy with 55.9% in favor, and 44.1% against.
The proposed levy includes $5.1 million for health/safety needs and deferred maintenance items, along with capital equipment, plus $1.2 million for the addition of four classrooms at Sagle Elementary, $6.8 million for construction at Kootenai Elementary and $1 million construction contingency.
2007 Sandpoint City Election
The City of Sandpoint held an election for mayor and four council positions on Tuesday, Nov. 6. The positions up for election were those currently held by Mayor Ray Miller, council president Michael Boge, councilman Chuck Spickelmire and councilwoman Sandra Lamson, all four-year terms. Also, the council position held by Cindy Elliott, who resigned in August, was up for election for a two-year term.
Gretchen A. Hellar 923 *WINNER*
Raymond P. Miller 627
TOTAL cast for mayor: 1550
William L. Dowling 519
Paul Gollin 151
Doug Hawkins Jr. 846 *WINNER*
Sandra J. Lamson 488
Carrie Ann Logan 578 *WINNER*
Jeffrey R. Rands 303
Ivan Rimar 410
Stephen T. Snedden 756 *WINNER*
Michael Boge 769 *WINNER*
Ed Ostrom 214
Dan Young 389
Candidates for Mayor
Gretchen Hellar: Click for Candidate profile • Web site
Ray Miller (incumbent): Click for Candidate profile • Mayor's blog
Candidates for 4-year Council seats (elect 3)
William Dowling: Click for Candidate profile
Paul Gollin: Click for Candidate profile
Doug Hawkins, Jr.: Click for Candidate profile
Sandy Lamson (incumbent): Click for Candidate profile
Carrie Logan: Click for Candidate profile
Jeffrey Rands: Click for Candidate profile
Ivan Rimar: Click for Candidate profile
Stephen Snedden: Click for Candidate profile • Web site
Candidates for 2-year Council seat (elect 1)
Michael Boge: Click for Candidate profile
Ed Ostrom: Click for Candidate profile • Web site
Dan Young: Click for Candidate profile • Web site
Other 2007 City Elections
In other east Bonner County municipalities, there were only two cities with contested races in the 2007 elections:
In Dover, there was a contest for mayor, current council member Lou Collins faced incumbent Mayor Randy Curless. There were two four-year council positions up for election but only incumbents Jim Janish and Peggy Burge filed.
Randy Curless 79 *WINNER*
Lou Collins 49
Peggy Burge 94 *WINNER*
Jim Janish 82 *WINNER*
In Ponderay, there were four candidates for the two four-year council seats up for election; they were David Burrough, incumbent Dale Daugharty, Jo Ellen "Jody" Moreland and Marc Woller. The mayor's seat was up for election, but Jessie Demers did not file for re-election and only current councilwoman Carol Kunzeman filed.
Carol Kunzeman 49 *WINNER*
Dale Daugharty 44 *WINNER*
Jo Ellen "Jody" Moreland 44 *WINNER*
Marc Woller 16
David Paul Burrough 12
Other cities with uncontested elections so far are:
- Kootenai, with two four-year council positions and mayor up for election; only incumbent councilors Jim Macha and Erik Brubaker filed. Incumbent Mayor Maggie Mjelde filed for re-election.
- Hope; incumbent councilmen Bruce Stutzke and Bill Breen filed for the two two-year seats, while incumbent Bob Lizotte was the only candidate to file for a two-year position.
- East Hope; candidates for three open seats were Trecy Carpenter, Jacob Both and Jerry Clemons.
- Clark Fork; candidates for the two four-year council seats up for election were Linda Reed and Jim Junget.
LPO School Board Trustee Election 2007
Trustee Mindy Cameron, in Zone 4, was reelected to a three-year term on the Lake Pend Oreille School Board in an election on May 15, 2007. Zone 4 covers south of Highway 200 and includes Sagle and part of Kootenai elementary schools. The election for Zone 1 was nullified when the opposing candidate withdrew from the race. Additional information is available at the LPOSD site or call 208-263-2184. Click below for candidate profiles.
Zone 4 candidates
• Mindy Cameron: Click for profile *WINNER*
• Kendon Perry: Click for profile
Zone 1 candidates
• Melanie Snider: Click for profile *WINNER*
• Lawrence Pedersen: Withdrew from race
LPO School District Supplemental Levy 2007
Voters approved an $8.96 million, two-year supplemental levy in the Lake Pend Oreille School District by a vote of 3,651 to 2,049 on March 20. The approval margin of 64 percent easily surpassed the required 50 percent plus one the levy needed to pass. The 2007 levy, which replaces a two-year levy expiring June 2007, will help fund school curriculum, extracurricular activities, staff, technology and other expenses not currently covered by the State of Idaho. The turnout for the election was almost twice as high as the last school election, with 5,700 voters turning out compared to 2,869 in March 2005.
General Election 2006
The Idaho general election was held Tuesday, Nov. 7. 2006.
• Bonner County election results
• Bonner County turnout statistics
• Idaho statewide election results
• National state-by-state results
Below are ballot propostions and state and county candidates that appeared on the 2006 general election ballot. Scroll farther down for information on voter registration, polling places and voter resources.
Proposed ballot measures
Proposition One: Initiative increasing K-12 education funding for local public schools by adding one percent to state sales tax. Read text. This proposition FAILED.
• Click for Secretary of State's arguments for and against.
• For: Yes for Idaho Schools
• Against: Idahoans for Excellence in Education
Proposition Two: Initiative limiting eminent domain when used for economic development; defining land use and permitting compensation for regulatory takings. Read text. This proposition FAILED.
• Click for Secretary of State's arguments for and against.
• For: This House is MY Home
• Against: Neighbors Protecting Idaho
Proposed Constitutional Amendment H.J.R. No. 2: Aendment to add new language to the Idaho Constitution stating a marriage between a man and a woman is the only recognized legal union in Idaho. This amendment PASSED.
• Read text of amendment
• Read statements for and against
Proposed Constitutional Amendment S.J.R. 107: Proposes amending the Constitution to create an Idaho Millennium Permananet Endowment Fund for monies received from a settlement with tobacco product manufacturers. This amendment PASSED.
• Read text of amendment
• Read statements for and against
Advisory Vote: Should the state of Idaho keep the property tax relief adopted in August 2006? Click for text of advisory vote. Voters APPROVED the tax relief.
Candidates for Bonner County offices
County residents vote for all open positions.
County Commissioner, District 1
Todd J. Crossett, (D) Profile • Website *WINNER*
Bud Mueller, (R) Website
County Commissioner, District 3
Karl Dye, (R, write-in) incumbent Profile • Website
Lewis Rich, (R) Profile • Website *WINNER*
Wayne Stotts, (Independent)
County Clerk
Kathrynn Feist, (R) Profile
Marie Scott, (D) incumbent Profile
Jerry Clemons, (R) Profile *WINNER*
Judie Conlan, (D) incumbent Profile
Carl White, (Independent) Website
Kathryn "Kitt" Rose, (R) incumbent *WINNER*
Cheryl Piehl, (R) incumbent *WINNER*
Candidates for State Legislature
County residents vote for candidates in their district. Most of Bonner County lies within Legislative District 1, which extends north to also include all of Boundary County. Nine southern precincts of Bonner County lie within Legislative District 2, which extends south to include much of Kootenai and all of both Shoshone and Benewah counties.
Legislative District 1 – Senator
Shawn A. Keough, (R) incumbent Profile • Website • Voting Record *WINNER*
Jim Ramsey, (D) Website • Profile
Legislative District 1 – Representative, Position A
Eric Anderson, (R) incumbent Website • Profile • Voting Record *WINNER*
Steve Elgar, (D) Profile • Website
Legislative District 1 – Representative, Position B
George E. Eskridge, (R) incumbent Profile • Voting Record *WINNER*
Bob Wynhausen, (D) Profile • Website
Legislative District 2 - Senator
Joyce Broadsword, (R) incumbent Profile • Voting Record *WINNER*
Steve Johnson, (D) Profile
Legislative District 2 - Representative, Position A
Mary Lou Shepherd, (D) incumbent Voting Record *WINNER*
Legislative District 2 - Representative, Position B
Dick Harwood, (R) incumbent • Voting Record *WINNER*
Richard T. Taniguchi, (D) Profile
Candidates for Statewide Office
County residents vote for all open positions.
Congressional District One
Larry Grant, (D) Website
Andy Hedden-Nicely, (Natural Law)
Dave Olson, (Independent)
Bill Sali, (R) Website *WINNER*
Paul Smith, (Constitution)
Jerry Brady, (D) Website
Ted Dunlap, (Libertarian)
C.L. "Butch" Otter, (R) Website *WINNER*
Marvin Richardson, (Constitutional)
Lieutenant Governor
Larry LaRocco, (D) Website
Jim Risch, (R) *WINNER*
William Charles Wellisch, (Constitutional)
Secretary of State
Ben Ysursa, (R) *WINNER*
State Controller
Donna M. Jones, (R) Website *WINNER*
Jackie Groves Twilegar, (D) Website
State Treasurer
Ron G. Crane, (R) Website *WINNER*
Howard C. Faux, (D) Website
Attorney General
Robert A. "Bob" Wallace, (D) Website
Lawrence G. Wasden, (R) Website *WINNER*
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Jana L. Jones, (D) Website
Tom Luna, (R) Website *WINNER*
School Plant Facility Levy Election
Voters turned down a proposed school plant facility levy on Sept. 5, 2006, with 57.6 percent voting nay. There were 5,141 votes cast. The levy, for the amount of $6,288,283 per year for two years, would have finished 45,000 square feet of construction at Kootenai School, plus district-wide pay for new buses and kitchen equipment, upgrade boilers, heating systems, phone systems and other technology.
Idaho Primary Election 2006
The Idaho primary election was held May 23, 2006, with numerous county, legislative and statewide offices up for election.
Recreation District Election Results
A special election to decide on creating a new taxing district, the Pend Oreille Recreation District, failed at the polls by an 88-percent margin, 769 for and 5,814 against, on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2006. A simple majority would have been required to create the district, leading to the construction of the Sandpoint Centre Sports Complex, a non-profit family facility with an indoor swimming pool and a 1,200-seat ice-skating arena. The district's proposed levy rate was 0.00038 - 0.00048. That would have translated to $38-$48 per $100,000 of assessed value. In general, proponents argued the need for more healthy activities for families and kids; opponents argued the tax would hit many who won't use the facilities.
Property Tax Reform Initiative
A group calling itself Idaho Property Tax Reform launched in 2005 an attempt to pass an initiative to establish a 1% cap on real property tax, allowing a 0.8% increase in property value per year. Organizers said they launched the initiative drive due to the inaction of the state Legislature to address the state's dynamically escalating property values, which are causing a corresponding increase in assessed values and property taxes. The 2005 signature drive failed to garner the required number of signatures to place the initiative on the ballot.
2005 City Elections Results
The nine incorporated cities in Bonner County had elections Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2005.
For the Sandpoint City Council, four candidates contended for three open council seats. Incumbent Cindy Elliott was re-elected and challengers Steve Lockwood, former city Planning Commission Chair, and Helen Newton, former City Clerk, won seats. Incumbent Francis Ogilvie was edged out. City Clerk Maree Peck said the election had a high-than-normal voter turnout for a city-council-only election; 1,026 of the 3,703 registered voters cast ballots, a 27.71% turnout. That is almost as good as the last mayoral election, in 2003, when the city saw a 32.91% turnout. However, it is almost six times better than the last city council-only election, in 2001, that saw only a 5% turnout.
For the Ponderay City Council, two four-year positions were up for election, won by incumbent Sherry Blood, her fourth term, and Steve Geiger, who was appointed to the council earlier this year.
For the Dover City Council, the race was not contested for two seats. Incumbent Maggie Becker won a fifth term, and Louis Collins won a term.
For the City of East Hope, the uncontested races were decided in favor of incumbents Lawrence Moon for mayor and Paul Madden and Jerry Clemons for 4-year city council terms.
For the City of Hope, the race for mayor and two city council seats were not contested. Incumbent Larry Keith will again serve as mayor, and Jason Cordero and Philip Dreisbach were elected to the council.
For the City of Clark Fork, incumbent Mayor Tom Shields won his bid for re-election against challenger Linda Reed. Four candidates ran for city council, and winning were incumbent Brian Cantrell and Russell Schenck.
For Kootenai City Council, the race for three seat was uncontested. Incumbent David Sundquist, Crystal Clossen and incumbent James F. Macha were elected.
For the Oldtown City Council, there were two 4-year positions and one 2-year position up for election. For the 4-year terms, incumbents Anna Burns and Cliff Jones won seats. For the 2-year term, incumbent Gene Scott was re-elected.
For the City of Priest River, there were three positions up for election, two city council seats and the mayor. For the mayor's position, three candidates ran, with Jim Martin elected. For city council, five candidates were vying for two seats; incumbent Jeff Connolly and Peggy George were successful.
There are no county or state elections in 2005.
2005 School Election Results
The Lake Pend Oreille School District held an election for a supplemental levy on Tuesday, March 22, 2005. The levy passed with 59.6 percent of the 2,869 voters supporting it. The levy replaced the previous one at the same rate and will continue to provide $3.22 million per year for the next two years.
Three Lake Pend Oreille School Board trustees were up for election on Tuesday, May 17, 2005. All three seats, zones 2, 3 and 5, were uncontested. Trustees Vickie Pfeifer, Joan Fish and Steve Lockwood were reelected. For more information call the Lake Pend School District at (208) 263-2184 and speak to the clerk of the board.
General Election 2004 Results
The general election was Tuesday, November 2, 2004. For results in Bonner and Boundary counties and the state of Idaho, follow the links below.
** Click for Bonner County vote totals
** Click for Idaho results, Statewide Totals and Legislative Totals
Primary Election 2004 Results
The Idaho primary election was May 25, 2004. Of 18,869 registered voters in Bonner County, a total of 5,409 voted, for a turnout of 29 percent. Click to see the detailed election results for all races (these results are unofficial until canvassed).
Lake Pend Oreille School Trustee Election 2004
The election for school board trustees was May 18, 2004. Three new board members were elected: Melanie Snider in Zone 1, Joan Fish in Zone 3 and Mindy Cameron in Zone 4. They were sworn in on July 13.