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Sandpoint High School Sports

The 2024-25 Sandpoint High School sports schedules are provided by Sandpoint Athletics, for the following varsity sports. See schedules for JV sports at SandpointAthletics.com.

Spring varsity sports

   • Boys JV/Varsity Baseball
   • Girls Varsity Softball
   • Coed JV/Varsity Tennis
   • Coed Varsity/JV Track

Sport and outdoor events in March 2025!

*Registrations Opens: Youth Track Meet. The City of Sandpoint Recreation Division, in partnership with Sandpoint Track Team is inviting children K-6 to participate in the every popular Track and Field. Dates for practice will be March 26 thru May 24 on Monday or Wednesday from 6-7 p.m. at the Sandpoint High School Track. Fee is $40 for residents, and $45 for non-residents. Meets will take place on Friday April 11, and May 2nd. The season will culminate with a FREE community track meet on Sat, May 24. Stay tuned via the City of Sandpoint website or follow on Facebook for up-to-date program information.

22 Schweitzer Spring Spike-Off Tournament.  two-day snow volleyball tournament in the Village! Gather your teams of 8 with 6 people on the court at a time to compete against other teams! Teams are split into two pools, gold and silver, and will play everyone in their pool once for seeding on day one. Second day of the tournaments standings will be determined based off win/loss record, points scored, points allowed, and point differential. Teams are guaranteed 3 games of play on each day. Second day of play is bracket style to determine the champion! Jockey box will be available during time of play to offer beverages. A portion of the fee and sales will go to the Clark Fork Volleyball Club for their contributions during the tournament. Get more info, or register here.

26-27 Free Adaptive Fitness Class (Kids & Adults). A day for an adult, and a day for kids to enjoy some free fitness classes. For kids aged 11-20 with disabilities classes are held from 2:45-3:45 p.m. on Wednesdays. For adults, you can take part from 1-2 p.m. on Thursdays. These free classes will run through May at the UCAN Gym, 1007 W. Superior in Sandpoint. Register online with UCAN here.

28 Community Day at Schweitzer. Enjoy a discounted day of skiing while supporting a great community cause as part of Schweitzer's annual Community Day. Lift tickets are just $20 with 100% of proceeds going to Community Cancer Services. Get more info at Schweitzer.com.

29 Schweitzer Spring Spike-Off Tournament.  two-day snow volleyball tournament in the Village! Gather your teams of 8 with 6 people on the court at a time to compete against other teams! Teams are split into two pools, gold and silver, and will play everyone in their pool once for seeding on day one. Second day of the tournaments standings will be determined based off win/loss record, points scored, points allowed, and point differential. Teams are guaranteed 3 games of play on each day. Second day of play is bracket style to determine the champion! Jockey box will be available during time of play to offer beverages. A portion of the fee and sales will go to the Clark Fork Volleyball Club for their contributions during the tournament. Get more info, or register here.

29-30 Snow Ghost Banked Slalom. Join in at Schweitzer for a traditional hand-dug banked slalom competition. 7B and Schweitzer have teamed up with Bonner County Skatepark Association making this event a fundraiser for Sandpoint's skatepark expansion plan. 100% of the proceeds will go directly back into the Bonner County Skatepark Association expansion plans. Get more info at Schweitzer.com.

And coming in April...

2-3 Free Adaptive Fitness Class (Kids & Adults). A day for an adult, and a day for kids to enjoy some free fitness classes. For kids aged 11-20 with disabilities classes are held from 2:45-3:45 p.m. on Wednesdays. For adults, you can take part from 1-2 p.m. on Thursdays. These free classes will run through May at the UCAN Gym, 1007 W. Superior in Sandpoint. Register online with UCAN here.

6 Basketball Open Gym. Every Sunday you can come hoop it up at the Sandpoint Middle School gym. Enjoy youth open gym for grades 3-12 from 3-4:30 p.m. for free, or join Adult Open Gym for those 18+ from 4:30-6: p.m. for $3.

9-10 Free Adaptive Fitness Class (Kids & Adults). A day for an adult, and a day for kids to enjoy some free fitness classes. For kids aged 11-20 with disabilities classes are held from 2:45-3:45 p.m. on Wednesdays. For adults, you can take part from 1-2 p.m. on Thursdays. These free classes will run through May at the UCAN Gym, 1007 W. Superior in Sandpoint. Register online with UCAN here.

12-13 Scheduled Schpring Finale. It's time to celebrate the end of the season! Come up to Schweitzer and enjoy those last laps and the tentative closing day of April 13, 2025. For the most up to date information check Schweitzer.com.

13 Basketball Open Gym. Every Sunday you can come hoop it up at the Sandpoint Middle School gym. Enjoy youth open gym for grades 3-12 from 3-4:30 p.m. for free, or join Adult Open Gym for those 18+ from 4:30-6: p.m. for $3.

16-17 Free Adaptive Fitness Class (Kids & Adults). A day for an adult, and a day for kids to enjoy some free fitness classes. For kids aged 11-20 with disabilities classes are held from 2:45-3:45 p.m. on Wednesdays. For adults, you can take part from 1-2 p.m. on Thursdays. These free classes will run through May at the UCAN Gym, 1007 W. Superior in Sandpoint. Register online with UCAN here.

20 Basketball Open Gym. Every Sunday you can come hoop it up at the Sandpoint Middle School gym. Enjoy youth open gym for grades 3-12 from 3-4:30 p.m. for free, or join Adult Open Gym for those 18+ from 4:30-6: p.m. for $3.

23-24 Free Adaptive Fitness Class (Kids & Adults). A day for an adult, and a day for kids to enjoy some free fitness classes. For kids aged 11-20 with disabilities classes are held from 2:45-3:45 p.m. on Wednesdays. For adults, you can take part from 1-2 p.m. on Thursdays. These free classes will run through May at the UCAN Gym, 1007 W. Superior in Sandpoint. Register online with UCAN here.

27 Basketball Open Gym. Every Sunday you can come hoop it up at the Sandpoint Middle School gym. Enjoy youth open gym for grades 3-12 from 3-4:30 p.m. for free, or join Adult Open Gym for those 18+ from 4:30-6: p.m. for $3.

30-May 1 Free Adaptive Fitness Class (Kids & Adults). A day for an adult, and a day for kids to enjoy some free fitness classes. For kids aged 11-20 with disabilities classes are held from 2:45-3:45 p.m. on Wednesdays. For adults, you can take part from 1-2 p.m. on Thursdays. These free classes will run through May at the UCAN Gym, 1007 W. Superior in Sandpoint. Register online with UCAN here.

Schweitzer Ski and Ride

Make sure you're prepared for your trip up to Schweitzer for a day (or more!) of skiing and snowboarding. Click for current mountain information.
   • Conditions report
   • Lifts and trails status
   • National Weather Service forecast
   • Live web cams
   • Mountain maps
   • Schweitzer home

Youth Sports Jersey Recycling Program

Have your kids outgrown their red and white youth league jerseys? Put them to great use by donating laundered, gently used jerseys back to Sandpoint Parks and Recreation. Each year, Sandpoint's P&R gives out approximately $2,000 in scholarships to youth programs, generously donated by various organizations. That money covers jersey costs as well as program fees - unless we have previously used, donated jerseys we can offer those who can't afford to purchase them. Help keep more money in the scholarship fund for kids to access for recreation program fees by donating jerseys when your children finishes the youth leagues.

- Drop off your jerseys from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, at Sandpoint P&R, 1123 Lake St. in City Hall. Questions? Call 208-263-3613. Thanks!

Area Golf Courses

Elks Golf Club. This nine-hole course is closest to town, just outside the Sandpoint city limits off Highway 200 East. 208-263-4321. SandpointElks.com.

The Idaho Club. 18-hole Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course caters to all ability levels and awes all who set foot upon its fairways. Firs and colorful native shrubs frame expertly laid holes, all with striking views of the surrounding mountains. Nearby, the Lower Pack River meanders throughout, as its expansive wetlands provide a pristine and unparalleled links experience. The newly built clubhouse is the central gathering spot with restaurant, deck dining, and plenty of room for private events and celebrations. TheIdahoClub.com.

StoneRidge Golf. Located about 40 minutes southwest of Sandpoint off Highway 41 in Blanchard, StoneRidge has 19 holes on a scenic course with a par-72 layout. StoneRidge hosts a variety of specialty events; for a current schedule call 208-437-4653, or visit StoneRidgeIdaho.com.

Priest Lake Golf Course. Par-72, 6,500-yard course is located at 152 Fairway Dr. in Priest Lake amidst mountains, forests and wetlands on the west side of Priest Lake. Call 208-443-2525 or visit PriestLakeGolfCourse.com.

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