
Coronavirus news & resources
Local news, announcements and actions concerning the coronavirus.

Current local, regional and statewide case reports
The Panhandle Health District is now reporting COVID data weekly on Thursdays. See current statistics for the five North Idaho counties; click to the PHD COVID-19 Data Dashboard to see individual county statistics.

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The State of Idaho reports statewide statistics each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Scroll down to \"COVID-19 Cases At A Glance\" to see statewide statistics, or click to the COVID-19 Case, Laboratory and Hospital Data Dashboard to see detailed statistics.

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Canada drops testing requirement for vaccinated visitors
The Government of Canada announced that effective April 1, 2022, fully vaccinated travelers no longer need to provide a pre-entry COVID-19 test result to enter Canada by air, land or water."); document.write("Travelers arriving to Canada from any country, who qualify as fully vaccinated, may need to take a COVID-19 molecular test on arrival if selected by mandatory random testing. Travelers selected for mandatory random testing are not required to quarantine while awaiting their test result. For more details, click to the Government of Canada news release.

Free food resources for local families and residents
Here are food resources for those impacted by the coronavirus outbreak."); document.write("

Personal health resources
If you believe you may have the coronavirus, the Panhandle Health District has a hotline with operators to discuss symptoms and potentially provide a referral for testing. The PHD COVID-19 Hotline is 877-415-5225."); document.write("

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Links to help manage personal and family health:"); document.write("

Help for businesses from SBA, state, Bonner EDC 3/26/2021
The U.S. Government has enacted multiple programs to assist businesses financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including the Paycheck Protection Program, Shatter Venues Grants and more. The State of Idaho also has assistance programs for Idaho companies, while locally the Bonner County Economic Development Corporation can provide guidance. Click links for more details."); document.write("

'Support Local' listings of business operations
Sandpoint's restaurants, shops, services, and churches have re-opened! With the state progressing through the governor's Idaho Rebounds stages to ensure safe re-opening of economic and social activities, most Sandpoint businesses have opened their doors. Click to the Support Local business directory to find info on hours and operations. Provided by the Sandpoint Chamber and Sandpoint Online. All businesses are invited to add their information with the form on the listings page."); document.write(""); document.write("

Free public Internet hot spot activated downtown 3/27/2020
Ting, in conjunction with the City of Sandpoint and Matchwood Brewing, has activated a free drive-up hot spot for wi-fi Internet in the city parking lot directly east of Matchwood at 503 Oak Street. The free Internet is available 6 a.m.-10 p.m.

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