
Directions to the courses
Mirror Lake: A great 9-hole course at Bonners Ferry with two sets of tees that make for a challenging 18 holes. Hard, slick, undulating greens and 7 out of 9 fairways slope one way or another. (208) 267-5314 for tee times.
Priest Lake Golf Course: An 18-hole layout in the hills just west of Priest Lake. The back 9 was brand new in June 2002. From Sandpoint, go West on Highway 2 to Priest River, then north on State Highway 57 to Lamb Creek. Watch for signs on right. Call (208) 443-2525 for tee times and information. www.priestlakegolfcourse.com (opens a new window)
The Ranch Club Golf Course: Just west of the city of Priest River on Highway 2 with 9 holes. Call (208) 448-1731.
Stoneridge Golf Course: Recently redesigned with a 19th hole for settling ties. From Sandpoint, go west on Highway 2 to Newport, Wash.; then go south 12 miles on Highway 41 to Blanchard. (208) 437-4653 for tee times. www.stoneridgeidaho.com (opens a new window)
Sandpoint Elks: A user-friendly, 9-hole course on the outskirts of Sandpoint, reasonably priced and nicely groomed. (208) 263-4321 for tee times and information.
Hidden Lakes Golf Resort: Lies 8 miles east of Sandpoint on Highway 200. This course was realigned in 2001 and named the No. 1 golf challenge in Idaho. Water on 17 holes, a beautiful natural setting and a sometimes devious layout. Call (208) 263-1642 for tee times and information. www.hiddenlakesgolf.com (opens a new window) |
